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View Full Version : ActiveSuck, 2 computers & mobile favorites problem

07-10-2003, 05:26 PM
Occasionally (about 5 times now) I am getting messages when I activesync between my work and home computers, that 1 or more mobile favorites is not synchronized and I have to 'resolve items' but even when I resolve, re-sync, the 1 item remains un-synchronized.

1) I cannot figure out what this 1 favorite might be. Is there any way to figure out which specific favorite is not syncing?

2) Sometimes, if I go to Tools > options and uncheck sync favorites, then do a sync, then go back and re-check syncing of favorites I can sync them all

3) Sometimes I actually have to delete the partnership and re-establish it. This always fixes the problem but is a PITA.

Of course, there are the standard ActiveSuck issues I was getting before with older activesuck versions, like 3.5 when I would get multiple duplications of my tasks and contacts occasionally, but only for some contacts and tasks. I also get multiple duplications of notes.

I believe this all has to do with syncing two computers, as I don't get this problem when I synch with only one machine. I am about to give up and only sync with one machine -- does anyone have any advice for how to (1) avoid this favorites problem (2) avoid the duplicate problem when syncing with two machines.

Both are AS 3.7 Outlook XP and Windows XP machines.

Very frustrating, thanks for any help you can provide


Jason Dunn
07-10-2003, 11:39 PM
Mobile Favorites are badly broken, and Microsoft doesn't care because they're pushing wireless, live devices. It has never worked properly 100% of the time, and it never will - sorry. :|

07-11-2003, 11:05 PM
Mobile Favorites are badly broken, and Microsoft doesn't care because they're pushing wireless, live devices. It has never worked properly 100% of the time, and it never will - sorry. :|

Hmm, that sucks (Actively) ;(
