07-10-2003, 01:33 PM
I have a iPAQ 2210 and I have set up my inbox for POP3 exactly like my 3975. Problem is the 2210 will not send email. I sometimes get the message that the network connectin is incorrect other times I get no error and the messages just sit in the outbox and go no where. There is a thread on BrightHand discussing this. http://discussion.brighthand.com/showthread.php?s=4ec1ccfbdb501ce296d48516ede4829e&threadid=83065
I have tried all the fixes listed in this thread with no luck. I am trying to connect to a company email server that I think is an outlook server. It supports thousands of outlook users. It also has an SMPT outgoing server. I have no problem with PPC 2003 sending email thoough a unix server on a different account.
Anyone got any new ideas?
I have tried all the fixes listed in this thread with no luck. I am trying to connect to a company email server that I think is an outlook server. It supports thousands of outlook users. It also has an SMPT outgoing server. I have no problem with PPC 2003 sending email thoough a unix server on a different account.
Anyone got any new ideas?