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View Full Version : iPAQ 5550 and TMobile hotspots?

07-10-2003, 04:54 AM
Has anyone connected to a TMobile (or similar) hotspot with the 5550?

I've been having my usual problems with connection manager, and have not been successful at this. In the past, I was able to connect with a 3975 and a Linksys card, but of course the new connection manager is somewhat different.

I tried to use a similar philosophy to the PPC2002 one of work, work, work.

On the Network Management screen, I have both boxes set to Work (and have my Sprint phone set up under each one).

I have my network card set to connect to Work.

Under Proxy setting for My Work Network I checked 'this network connects to the internet'.

Under Configure Wireless networks, I checked Automatically connect to non-preferred networks.

If I don't have wireless turned on, when I try to access a site in PIE, it automatically tries to dial my Sprint phone, so if it's attached, this works correctly.

If I have wireless turned on --
If I'm at home, it finds the router/cable modem and gets to the internet with no problem.
I can access file shares on my PC.
I can sync wirelessly.

(I can also use an ethernet connection for browsing, and this works ok too).

When I go to a Border's and try to connect --
It finds the tmobile network (it shows up on the Configure Wireless Networks screen as being connected).
It shows signal strength on the Today page Connectivity bubble.
PIE just returns page not found messages instead of any tmobile welcome screen.

I've tried several other combinations of settings as well, but nothing's worked. :?

Pat Logsdon
07-12-2003, 04:03 AM
Have you tried changing the last box on the Connections screen to "internet"? I always have to do that before I can connect to my Starbucks hotspot.

Also, you probably need to have the URL for the login page - you may need to call tmobile if it's not posted anywhere at the location.

Good luck!

07-12-2003, 05:02 AM
There are so many screens for this on the PPC that I'm sure I've missed the magic combination of settings, but I've tried many. I don't think you need a URL. If I remember correctly, with my 3975 and Linksys card, it works pretty much like an ethernet connection in a hotel room. You just to into PIE and try any URL, and the connection is intercepted so you get a welcome screen asking for a userid and password, or if you have none, asks if you want to sign up.

Pat Logsdon
07-13-2003, 12:13 AM
Hmm...the way it works for me is this: Walk into Starbucks
Insert card
Change setting for "My network card connects to:" to "The Internet"
Fire up PIE
Bring up the Starbucks connection page and log in.
Pray that it's actually working today and lets me in. :roll:
I've never gotten an automatic logon - I've always had to sign in first. With my home network I don't, but if the hotspot is secured, I think you'll always have to sign in before you can use it.