View Full Version : Hello from Indonesia.
07-09-2003, 10:51 AM
I am currently on a 3 weeks business trip to Indonesia, and this is my day 10. The computer that i am assigned doesnt have internet access, and i am too lazy to find an internet cafe at 10 p.m., yes, they forced me to work like a horse down here. my typical office hours starts at 7 a.m. and ends at 10 p.m.
So, i am accessing internet mainly through GPRS. and gprs is crazily expensive down here. spent $250 in 10 days mainly for email, ICQ, and iphone.
I have not visited this site for 10 days!! I must have missed a lot, huh? So, any juicy news out there? How about the axim x7? Any flaws on the 2215? Any replies regarding those 2 subjects will be much appreciated. I know that those info must have been posted somewhere in this site, but, i am trying to cut down my gprs bill. ;)
I miss you guys ;p
p.s. i put my laptop inside my sansonite suitcase and checked in it, and when i arrived here, i noticed that the suitcase has been forced open, and the laptop is gone. So i have been living without a laptop for 10 days now. A totally new experience. That is the good news. The bad news is ... I am losing a company asset. And i am pretty sure i have to pay for it somehow... Well anyway, another 10 days before going back to civilization ....
Where in Indonesia? The only place I've been is Batam but since that's only a short ride on the ferry from Singapore I assume you are not there?
David Prahl
07-09-2003, 03:36 PM
Sorry, nothing radical or revoluationary has been discovered or created in the past few days. Benchmarks show that the 2215 is king of the hil in most categories.
Yes, there has been some info about the X7. It will come out in 2004, and have BT, wi-fi, dual-band cellular, and other goodies. Imagine if an HP 5450 and XDA had a baby. :D
Interestingly enough, HP announced a device with the same specs a few days later... Hmmm... :lol:
The X3 will come out this november, and will have a low end and high end version like the X5. Small and SDIO, me thinks!
07-09-2003, 03:49 PM
Sony discovers new BT technology. It's called 'Feel' an it doesn't work with anything else in the world. (okay that's news for you)
07-09-2003, 09:50 PM
Doesn't your company insure its property?
Crystal Eitle
07-09-2003, 10:03 PM
Eep! Sorry to hear about your laptop. There was a thread ( here a couple months ago about whether to check one's laptop or carry it on. The consensus was, you should always carry it on.
07-09-2003, 10:17 PM
Eep! Sorry to hear about your laptop. There was a thread ( here a couple months ago about whether to check one's laptop or carry it on. The consensus was, you should always carry it on.
Would agree with that - I travelled by air to Dublin just after 9/11 (or 11/9 as we say here). We had to check all hand luggage - but we could keep our laptops - No way was I going to check a laptop in a computer bag! It just wouldn't have worked afterwards thats for sure. I felt a bit of a wally walking around with a lap top! Ended up getting something with a carrier bag so I could dump the thing in it. :?
07-10-2003, 01:02 AM
For future reference always take your laptop with you. In other countries, for me outside of the U.S. there are those who cannot be trusted and lack ethics. I automatically figure someone wants what is not theirs. They more than likely will not be caught and then you are up the creak.
As for new events, there is nothign much new so you arent missing anything, so please save your money:)
07-10-2003, 01:41 AM case you haven't noticed there are plenty of people IN the US who can't be trusted's not like theives only live in foreign countries!
07-10-2003, 04:17 AM
Sounds just a little wild west(east?).
01.07.2003 at 0130 in position 01:05N - 105:00E, vicinity of Bintan Island, Indonesia.
A group of ten pirates armed with guns and knives and faces covered with masks boarded a general cargo ship underway. They took hostage A/B, 2/O and took them to master's, C/O's and C/E's cabins and stole ship's cash and personal belongings. Pirates had come in a speedboat and had used grapnel hooks tied to ropes to board from starboard quarter.
01.07.2003 at 0255 L/T at Chittagong anchorage 'A', Bangladesh.
Four pirates armed with long knives boarded a tanker at poop deck. Pirates came in two large motorboats and one small boat. They lowered mooring ropes in water and the motorboats commenced pulling them. Alert watchman raised alarm and crew mustered. Pirates threatened the crew with knives and escaped with four mooring ropes. Coast guard was informed but did not respond. Pirate boats could be seen in the vicinity for over 30 minutes.
01.07.2003 at 0210 L/T in posn: 00:41N - 105:12.5E, vicinity of Bintan Island, Indonesia.
Eight pirates armed with guns and long knives boarded a general cargo ship underway. They took hostage 2/O and went to master's cabin. They held master at gunpoint and stole ship's and his personal cash and belongings. They then held master as hostage and went to 3/O's cabin and stole cash and personal belongings. Master and 2nd officer were seriously injured. Pirates escaped in a speedboat.
07-10-2003, 09:20 AM
Dh: i am in jakarta, the country's capital. Nice place, nice food, but too crowded and too polluted. Very baaaaaad air quality.
Crystal: it was actually my intention to carry the laptop with me, but my colleagues mentioned that it will be wise not to carry around a laptop in the jakarta airport/streets. and they also checked their laptop, but theirs arrived safely. Duh. well, lesson learned (the expensive way)...
Ecoslin: thanks for the encouraging news ;p i'll stay clear from the water ;p
Ok, so there are actually no ground-breaking news in my 10+ days absent from this board? No news on X7? What a disappointment.
Now this is a coincidence, I'd sent off a relative to Indonesia late last month. He's moving back-n-forth mostly between Jakarta and Yogya.
Right before leaving he'd gotten a new IBM ThinkPad T40 (2373-92U) to replace his old Gateway laptop, and security was definitely also on my mind. I regret he didn't get Absolute Software's Computrace that IBM offered. In desperation I got him one of those steel-cable security locks for the laptop at the last minute, but he refused to take it :mrgreen:
He's a seasoned traveller though, and always carries his laptop case with him -- but he overstuffs it with too many documents so now I have to buy him a larger rolling/convertible case that's still small enough for a carry-on (the Targus Thinkpad Alpha Rolling Case).
I admit I'm paranoid these days. My first laptop (an HP) was stolen right from under me 2 weeks after I'd first bought it, grrr. Another relative had 2 ThinkPads stolen (last one they broke his car window to get it from the back seat, during church). Even the first relative (the seasoned traveller above) had had his briefcase, passport, etc, stolen once at the airport, as well as lost luggage... Heck I'd bought myself a ThinkPad T40p but was too scared to carry it so I returned it :wink:
Someone once thought they had stolen a bunch of my computer equipment, but not quite............
I was setting up a tradeshow booth and on the back seat of my car I had some boxes of stuff, you know brochures, cleaning materials, rolls of packaging tape, that kind of thing.
Anyway, I parked outside a hotel on the way to Chicago and next morning the car window was broken and the assorted stuff gone.
Of course, other than being rather anoyed, I wondered why anyone would want want to steal what is basically a load of junk.
Then it dawned on me, I'd thrown everything into a couple of Dell boxes. The thief obviously decided it was time he was getting a Dell.
He must have been pissed when he saw what he had stolen.
Now why can't I have experiences like that?
The good news is, I dare say my first laptop theft was what originally prompted me to check out PDAs (and thus PPCs) :)
07-11-2003, 02:49 PM
great. just got news from the asset control department. my salary will be deducted with 60% of the price of the laptop. took me 30 minutes to argue with them that it wasnt all my fault.
They say that i am LUCKY, because there is a policy to charge the FULL AMOUNT for less-than-3-months-old company asset. Duh.
Now that is a very interesting definition of the word 'lucky'. :devilboy:
So I guess the company charges you and then gets the insurance money?
Kati Compton
07-11-2003, 05:06 PM
You may want to see if *your* insurance covers it then. And if not, call the company's insurance and tell them that you already had to reimburse the company. :twisted:
07-11-2003, 05:30 PM
That just seems so wrong. Does the company make you sign something when being issued equipment indicating that you understand that you will be held responsible for loss/theft? If it is issue to you, your insurance should cover it then.
07-11-2003, 09:39 PM
Guys remember he doesn't live in the US; apparantly things are different here. Insurance might work different too...
Kati Compton
07-11-2003, 10:36 PM
Guys remember he doesn't live in the US; apparantly things are different here. Insurance might work different too...
True. But if the company did have it insured, I bet non-US insurance companies are just as unhappy about fraud (ie, making both him and insurance reimburse for the laptop) as US insurers are.
07-12-2003, 05:23 AM
I agree with Kaite, check and see if insured. If it is then call them up and let them know you are having to pay for it. Sounds to me somone is pocketing some money and living luxury off of someone else. I know thieves in this country, just stating one side.
07-12-2003, 12:03 PM
Guys remember he doesn't live in the US; apparantly things are different here. Insurance might work different too...
exactly. the only insurance coverage i got from the company are health, and critical illness. nothing more.
Does the company make you sign something when being issued equipment indicating that you understand that you will be held responsible for loss/theft? If it is issue to you, your insurance should cover it then.
i remember signing a piece of paper the day i joined this company, and it explicitly mention that 'negligence resulting in the lost of assigned company asset is reimbursable'. at that time i wasnt paying attention to that clause.
:devilboy:. i am currently inquiring the airline carrier, because apparently, they automatically insured their passenger. lets see if that covers lost item inside a luggage.[/quote]
07-12-2003, 05:44 PM
In the US, this loss would be covered under your homeowners or renters insurance policy; so if you have something like that you may want to check with them next.
07-13-2003, 05:38 AM
anyway, just an update. talked to the airline insurance folks, and they ask me to prove that there is a laptop inside my luggage during check-in. if i can prove that, they will consider the reimbursement. HA HA HA. from now on, i am only flying with singapore airline or cathay pacific. garuda indonesia airline is definitely out of my list.
Have you tried EVA airlines, they seem to be pretty big too...
BTW, are all US airports still requiring your luggage to be unlocked? I've been used to that since 9/11, but it's scary especially if your luggage's going straight to an international destination w/o you (like to Indonesia). At last month's trip he'd asked if he can keep his luggage locked and surprise, the ticket counter attendant said yes and even encouraged it. She scoffed at the supposed requirement but was duty-bound to warn that if it ends up subject to a search they'll just break the lock or something...
07-15-2003, 09:49 PM
I took a trip to ARizona about three weeks ago, and on the way back, ther was a lady who had locked her luggage. They just had her wait until after it had past through the detection in case they needed her to open it, after that she could leave. I thought that was interesting, since on other times a lock wasnt allowed.
07-17-2003, 02:38 AM
In the US, this loss would be covered under your homeowners or renters insurance policy; so if you have something like that you may want to check with them next.
Checked with my insurance friend, no such things down here, the homeowner insurance only covers total lost of the building itself.
Bytequator: A friend of mine just got back from the states, he locked his checked-in luggage with a cheapo padlock. Collecting his luggage, she noticed that it was forced-opened. Immediately she was approached by a Singapore Airline Agent, the agent apologized for the inconvenience, and gave my friend a brand new titanium alloy combination padlock. Good marketing, Singapore Airline!
07-21-2003, 02:56 AM
Ah, it is so nice to be back in the office. When I arrived this morning, there is a letter on my desk, from the Asset Control folks. The letter basically reminds me that I am a silly dude that caused the company to writeoff an asset, and the expectation that it will not happen again in the future. I checked my account, and noticed that it has been deducted. 60% of the market price of a new centrino. Boy, they work fast! :devilboy:
Good news is, after a 3 weeks period of not having laptop, I realize that I can actually live without it. So I will be depending solely on my axim from now on. The role of the newly issued laptop will be to sit at my cubicle, chained and bolted to the table.
GPRS is a life saver. In countries where it is not save to walk on the streets at night, GPRS is a must. It is very expensive (and very slow, averaging only 3-5 kbps) in some countries, but it is a must have.
07-21-2003, 07:32 AM
When I boughtmy frist laptop in 98, I also bought laptp insurance for it in case it was lost, stolen, or broke. IT was a flat fee per year, so I would recommend that you get the laptop insurance if it available where you are at. I stil think it is bull them deducting it from your pay.
07-21-2003, 01:47 PM
To be honest, I still feel lucky that they only deduct my salary. A peer of mine lost a laptop back in 2002 (he put the laptop inside his car, and went inside a grocery store), and he was issued a warning letter. :pukeface2:
07-22-2003, 04:15 AM
Waht do you mean he was issued a warning letter? ?????
Kati Compton
07-22-2003, 04:48 AM
I'm assuming they warned him that they might fire him if he did anything else "objectionable".
07-22-2003, 04:59 AM
Note to self: Don't move to Singapore.
^ Just curious, I thought we were talking about neighboring Indonesia :)
07-22-2003, 10:14 AM
Well, Singapore's employment market is not very favorable right now, layoffs here and there, salary rationalization (the cool term for 'salary cut'), benefit cut, bonus elimination, back to basic (no bonus, no incentive, no nothing, just your basic salary), work from home (with 1/3 salary), etc.
The common sequence of punishment in this part of the world is:
1. First warning letter. Receiving this means that for the next 3-4 years, you should not expect to get bonus/incentive/promotion. Salary increase will be minimal (almost 0%)
2. Last warning letter. Receiving this means that you should not expect to get bonus/incentive/promotion for the rest of your career with the company. Salary increase will be minimal. If you do 1 more stupid thing, you are out with no sweetener. You will receive the standard severance package (1 month salary for every 2 years of service, to a maximum of 7 month's salary).
3. Bye bye.
One must feel very grateful when one still have a job that give increasing salary, bonus, incentive, and promotions.
byte: that is in singapore.
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07-22-2003, 11:28 AM
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07-22-2003, 02:13 PM
Wow, harsh stuff going on over there. I can see how having some salary deducted is cosidered lucky.
Since you have switched form using your laptop to the ppc, have you noticed any problems you have run into making this switch? it is a big change and I am wondering how you are adapting to it. First thing that comes to my mind is the screen size. While I know laptops can be heavy, there is some good middle ground there. So how are you adjusting?
07-22-2003, 06:40 PM
I don't think I would take a laptop from the company if I knew I would be held liable if it got lost or stolen, especially if it meant they could fire me.
I will say that that type of disciplinary chain would never be tolerated in the states....probation with no raises for 3-4 years??? For a single offense??? That's absurd!
07-23-2003, 02:58 AM
I don't think I would take a laptop from the company if I knew I would be held liable if it got lost or stolen, especially if it meant they could fire me.
Well, we definitely need a portable PC on daily basis to produce reports online from a server in singapore. My current formal work is a banking auditor stationed at the regional office in singapore. So, my team travelled to asian countries (plus australia) and visited the country headoffices there. We cannot expect the local folks to provide us with PCs with internet access. Sometimes they do, most of the time they dont. So, taking a laptop/PPC is a must. Cant live without them.
I will say that that type of disciplinary chain would never be tolerated in the states....probation with no raises for 3-4 years??? For a single offense??? That's absurd!
Probation with minimal raise and no bonus/promotion/incentives for 3-4 years. For a single CAPITAL offense. Losing an asset is considered capital down here. With all the mood to cut down expenses and all.
07-23-2003, 03:17 AM
Wow, harsh stuff going on over there. I can see how having some salary deducted is cosidered lucky.
Since you have switched form using your laptop to the ppc, have you noticed any problems you have run into making this switch? it is a big change and I am wondering how you are adapting to it. First thing that comes to my mind is the screen size. While I know laptops can be heavy, there is some good middle ground there. So how are you adjusting?
Actually, it involves some changes in habit. I used to create the full report on my laptop, and to present them to the local management, then run the report on the server in singapore, so that it is available online. The local management can then re-review the report, and respond online.
Now what I do is, create a draft with minimal formatting on my axim, present the report using a CF to VGA converter connected to an infocus projector, and run the report on the server, thus making it available online. I found out that the server actually accept 'minimalist' report, and it automatically format it as a 'standard' report. 8)
You are correct though, screen size was the biggest problem back then. but after a few days I got used to the left-right scrolling. Funny thing is, I used to set my monitor at home to display 1536x1152, now I am using 1024x768 ... I dont know, but I seems to like larger font on my desktop PCs, to compensate the smaller screen on my axim.
But of course, I am using the axim during travelling only. When I am in singapore, I am still using the laptop, which is now deadbolted and chained to my table. Just to avoid anyone trying to steal it at night.
07-23-2003, 05:13 AM
Well here companies insure their assets so they don't lose money in the case of loss or theft, so there is no need to penalize employees if something happens. Even if checking your laptop wasn't the best decision you could have made, it was hardly your fault if it got stolen, at least according to american thinking you shouldn't have to pay. I know things are different there but seems to me like it stinks!
07-23-2003, 06:55 AM
Well here companies insure their assets so they don't lose money in the case of loss or theft, so there is no need to penalize employees if something happens. Even if checking your laptop wasn't the best decision you could have made, it was hardly your fault if it got stolen, at least according to american thinking you shouldn't have to pay. I know things are different there but seems to me like it stinks!
That sucks. But I am just a small fish in a huge pond.
So, let it be. Their bad karma shall get back to them in the future.
07-28-2003, 01:56 AM
Back in Indonesia again, for one week. This time we got PCs with internet access, so I dont have to use GPRS that much. ho ho. and again, I do not bring my laptop with me. This is actually the third trip that I travelled 'light' (only with my axim).
Life is interesting :wink:
07-28-2003, 02:19 PM
Well it sounds to me it is safer. so how is the net access? speed? etc etc.
Are you using IE or thunderhawk?
07-29-2003, 02:05 AM
Well it sounds to me it is safer. so how is the net access? speed? etc etc.
Are you using IE or thunderhawk?
Net access from this desktop PC that I am currently using ? pretty fast, considering that the main hub is connected via two 2MBPS leased line directly to singapore data center. well, it is faster than my cable connection at home, that's for sure. ha ha.
If you are referring to my axim+GPRS access .. well, it is OK. I got averagely 10kbps, which is not bad for text-only pages that I am viewing on IE.
Still on IE. Do you use thunderhawk ? what is the advantage of thunderhawk anyway ?
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