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View Full Version : Piel Frama case giveaways

07-06-2003, 01:29 PM
PDACorps (http://www.pdacorps.com) has just launched the latest of our weekly giveaways and this week we are giving away two cases of the winners choice from the Piel Frama (http://www.pielframa.com) range.


Head over to the competitions (http://www.pdacorps.com/default.asp?key=competitions.asp) page to enter.

07-06-2003, 08:50 PM
Brilliant cases! I've got one so I won't be entering the comp, erm, that and the fact that I'm banned from entering PDACorps comps 'cos I'm part of the team... :oops:

Get over there and try to win yourself YOUR OWN CHOICE of case! OK, they don't do cases to fit your 1972 Camaro, but apart from that you'd be reeeeeeally missing out if you, erm, missed out.