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View Full Version : Using files on the PC over Bluetooth (VPN???) Help!!!

07-04-2003, 10:44 AM
Hey there all, I have a new 2215, and I finially got it connected and am surfing and Active Syncing with my home PC over bluetooth, :clap: but I am wondering how I can browse files, and use them to play music, or video and stream it. :helpme:

All I can do that I have fig'd out is file share, which is just one folder. :mecry:

ps, BTW, what pc dongles are getting the best distance???
I have a DLink now, and Im wondering it there is a way to get further, this one doesn't seem too far, and I need more distance (bathroom :lol: ).



Sooner Al
07-04-2003, 01:10 PM
...try NetUse to map network shares and open files. I use it via an 802.11b link on my home LAN. I presume it would work the same with BT as long as you can get network access.

Screen shots...


