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View Full Version : Locked up 2215 - Arrrgh

Jimmy Dodd
07-03-2003, 09:15 PM
My brand new iPaq 2215 is locked up. I can't get past the "hp iPAQ" screen. The power button is useless. A soft reset simply runs me back through the progress bar on this screen which runs up to 100% then just sits there. Likewise with a hard reset.

I guess it's back to Best Buy and a wasted hour of standing in line.

07-03-2003, 11:50 PM
I feel your pain. For some reason, it seems like my iPAQ powers off and then I have to soft reset it. It won't power back up. Hopefully this will get better.

07-04-2003, 12:29 AM
I was having problems where the 2215 would require a soft reset. I performed a hard reset a few days ago while troubleshooting some bluetooth connectivity issues, and the problem hasn't reappeared.

One of the first things I did when I sat my new ipaq on its cradle was to install all of the applications that I had on my 3955, my guess is that one of them wasn't completely compatible with the new OS.

Haven't had any problems since the hard reset. (knock on wood)


07-04-2003, 12:30 AM

•Do a hard reset.
•Install one or two applications at a time.
•Do a full backup to a memory card.
•I'm pretty sure one of your applications is locking your device. Once you get to that application, hard-reset your device and, obviously, do not install that application.

If you haven't installed any applications and the device locks up, then I guess you're out of luck. :(


07-04-2003, 02:16 AM
I agree with Mexico.

I blindly installed Battery Pack (5.0.3), Journal Bar 1.3 and the Socket WLAN driver thinking I could save time. The 2215 promptly froze but I was able to get it back with a hard reset.

Turns out you need Battery Pack 5.0.6, and looks like there is an unresolved issue with the socket driver and the 2215.

Here's my checklist now before installing anything on the 2215:

Check to see if the software has been updated for PPC 2003 first
If not see if somebody has already posted an issue with it
If you want to play pioneer backup the PPC first because chances are you will have to a hard reset and start from scratch 8)

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
07-04-2003, 02:58 PM
I was having the same issue for a while. I'm 99.9% positive it's an errant application causing you headaches.

For me, I had one SIP (JSKeyXTension) and the legacy Targus Stowaway drivers (v1.6) that were each causing problems with my device (once I turned off the device, I couldn't turn it back on without a soft reset). I also once installed a shareware program that wouldn't allow me past the start screen as well.

Once I scrutinized all of the apps I run on the 2215, it's been running like a champion!!

Jimmy Dodd
07-04-2003, 08:14 PM
OK. I think I figured out my problem. After returning my iPAQ I installed my third party apps on my second iPAQ. Same thing happened. This time I read the User's Guide and realized that to do a hard reset you have to hold the buttons in for 4 seconds. Doh! Read all the steps. :oops:

My iPAQ is back up and I'm in the process of installing my apps one at a time. Wish me luck.

07-09-2003, 10:40 AM
Had the same problem but it was caused by the slightly older version of Battery Pack not being compatible with WM2003. Hard reset solved the problem.

07-09-2003, 03:41 PM
in a way i'm kind of glad my last 2 systems were Palms - I'm not set in my habits for programs, so I can start over nice and clean with my 2210.