Andy Sjostrom
07-03-2003, 02:57 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />I left work last week for a four week vacation. Now, I spend time with family, relax... and read as much as possible. On my night stand I have <a href="">"A Survey of Bible Doctrine"</a> and a Pocket PC with some great articles that I've saved for offline reading. I went to the <a href="">Case Study</a> portion of and found some interesting case studies that I haven't read. Here are some of them:<br /><br /><a href="">"Wagamama, the popular noodle restaurant</a> has recently implemented the use of Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC 2002 devices to speed up the entire ordering process."<br /><br />"<a href="">Value sandwich retailer Benjys</a> needed an effective way to replenish 380 fast selling product lines across its 50 London stores on a daily basis. With the help of solution provider Information Systems Associates, the company has implemented a new, wireless solution built on the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework. This helps the company capture orders using information about stock levels and predicted sales. The result is fast, accurate replenishment ordering and a wealth of sales information to help with strategic decisions."<br /><br /><a href="">"Mobile Solution Frees Up Time and Improves Efficiency</a> for North Wales Police. Deployment of Pocket PC and GPRS mobile phones allows access to email and diary information in the field, and also provides access to additional data and applications."<br /><br />Do you have any cool reports from the field, near you, about what Pocket PCs are used for? Tell us!