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View Full Version : IPAQ 1940/45 Review???

07-03-2003, 03:39 AM
Anyone know of a 1945 review anywhere? Or even better if you have one what are your thoughts??? I just ordered one today and I am getting it tomorrow. I hope it's as zippy as the 2215 is suppossed to be. I am going to use this as my slim pda, you know like how some people have a slim phone just for when they go out :)

07-03-2003, 05:54 AM
Anyone know of a 1945 review anywhere? Or even better if you have one what are your thoughts??? I just ordered one today and I am getting it tomorrow. I hope it's as zippy as the 2215 is suppossed to be. I am going to use this as my slim pda, you know like how some people have a slim phone just for when they go out :)

I've had my 1945 for a few days now, and I really like it. Its' faster than my 1910, however, its' not as fast as the 2215 that I played with at Fry's Electronics. I especially like the Bluetooth feature.

07-03-2003, 05:55 AM
Anyone know of a 1945 review anywhere? Or even better if you have one what are your thoughts??? I just ordered one today and I am getting it tomorrow. I hope it's as zippy as the 2215 is suppossed to be. I am going to use this as my slim pda, you know like how some people have a slim phone just for when they go out :)

I've had my 1945 for a few days now, and I really like it. Its' faster than my 1910, however, its' not as fast as the 2215 that I played with at Fry's Electronics. I especially like the Bluetooth feature.

07-03-2003, 06:02 AM
CNET posted a review of it here (http://reviews.cnet.com/HP_iPaq_H1940/4505-3128_7-30419924.html?tag=pdtl-list)

kaizer soze
07-03-2003, 07:36 AM
I don't have a 1945, I have a 1910, so I can only comment on the physical aspects since the two are practically identical.

1 - If size and weight are a concern at all, you'll love the 1945. I've never been able to cary any PPC in my pocket without the weight or size making it feel uncomfortable until I got my 1910.

2 - Design may not be a dealbreaker for you, but I feel even more confident about my purchase when even my most techno-phobic coworkers ooh and aah. Well designed items always seem more expensive/exclusive.

3 - With the Bluetooth, upgraded ROM and faster processor, and same price I'm getting jealous. :?

kaizer soze
07-03-2003, 07:40 AM
BTW - just picked up a 3pack of the original HP styli for $2.99 at Best Buy, so if the 1945 uses the same stylus you might check it out.

07-03-2003, 01:45 PM
Damm that's a good deal, I'll have to go get some later today.
BTW - just picked up a 3pack of the original HP styli for $2.99 at Best Buy, so if the 1945 uses the same stylus you might check it out.

07-03-2003, 01:51 PM
Thanks. I hope it is indeed faster. Btw, what case do you recommend? I have been partial in the past to the eb slippper, but was hoping to pick something up local so I can use it over the holiday.

I don't have a 1945, I have a 1910, so I can only comment on the physical aspects since the two are practically identical.

1 - If size and weight are a concern at all, you'll love the 1945. I've never been able to cary any PPC in my pocket without the weight or size making it feel uncomfortable until I got my 1910.

2 - Design may not be a dealbreaker for you, but I feel even more confident about my purchase when even my most techno-phobic coworkers ooh and aah. Well designed items always seem more expensive/exclusive.

3 - With the Bluetooth, upgraded ROM and faster processor, and same price I'm getting jealous. :?

Andy Whiteford
07-03-2003, 03:58 PM

How do the screens compare between h1910 and h1945?

07-03-2003, 04:02 PM

How do the screens compare between h1910 and h1945?

They look the same to me. In fact, the 1945 seems to look better with the ClearType text activated (that may just be my imagination :lol:


Andy Whiteford
07-03-2003, 04:16 PM
I've heard reports that the h1945 screen is not as bright or vibrant as the h1910 screen, in fact it may be using the same screen as in the h2215.
Would you say it compares at least as well as the h1910 in this regard?

07-03-2003, 06:08 PM
I've heard reports that the h1945 screen is not as bright or vibrant as the h1910 screen, in fact it may be using the same screen as in the h2215.
Would you say it compares at least as well as the h1910 in this regard?

I've used a 1910 for about 7 months, and I also played with a 2215 at the electronics store last week. I would say that the 1945 has the same screen as the 1910.


07-05-2003, 04:44 AM
Isn't the 1915's screen smaller than the 1910's?