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View Full Version : Accessories Carry Case being given away to all members of Technobrains.com

07-02-2003, 10:12 PM
Go to www.technobrains.com/case.htm

A zippered carry case for memory cards, cables and accessories are available to members of technobrains.com for $8.00 including shipping charges.

Take a look


Dave Beauvais
07-02-2003, 10:48 PM
... Accessories Carry Case being given away to all members of Technobrains.com
I think your definition of "given away" differs slightly from mine. ;)


07-02-2003, 11:00 PM
Unfortunately having a web site is an endless money pit.
Having the end user pay shipping for the item only is not too bad.

If it was a software download then no shipping charges would apply but I do not have access to free software this month.

Who knows, maybe next month I will have some software like I did last month.


Dave Beauvais
07-03-2003, 12:10 AM
I just want to make sure you know I was joking around; didn't intend any offense! :)

When I first read your post, it reminded me of the "free" CDs you can order from Microsoft for things like service packs which carry a $10+ "shipping and handling" fee. That is not a free CD. :roll:


07-03-2003, 12:36 AM
Hi Dave.

I was not offended at all.
I know what you mean though. . .

I have received lots of spam where they say get a product for FREE and then they charge you $12.00+ for shipping and handling.
The actual item is worth only like 3 - 4 bucks. Fancy packaging and web site images to fool you.

Anyways, I hope you had a chance to see the web page and take a look at the product. It's pretty good. Have not seen it for sale online anywhere but wouldn't be surprised to see it for $19.95 plus shipping.

Thanks for your comments.


07-14-2003, 05:03 PM
As a supporter of pocketpcthoughts.com, I justed wanted to let the members know that the cases I am giving away at technobrains.com are popular and wanted to remind you that we still have some remaining.
Check them out before we run out.

