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View Full Version : iPAQ 1940 & 1945

Chris Spera
07-01-2003, 01:42 AM
Does anyone know an availability date for either of these? I recently sold my e310 and will use those procedes and some Best Buy Gift Certs to purchase my 194x.

HP lists the ship date as 7/20 off their web store... Has anyone seen these at their local Best Buy?

BTW...their new website was launched today, and its been crapped out all day today. they finally shut it down, so I can't get any info from them or any of their customer service people. They use the same tool...their website, to help you.

Kind Regards,

Christopher Spera

07-01-2003, 02:11 AM
I received my iPAQ 1945 from www.hpshopping.com this morning. I also saw a iPAQ 1940 sticker on a shelve at Fry's Electronics last week (no units, though).
