View Full Version : Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Software Compatibility?
Janak Parekh
06-28-2003, 11:30 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div>There's been a great amount of discussion about software compatibility in WM2k3PPC (or Pocket PC 2003, if you prefer to call it that. ;)) It seems most regular applications work, but not all. Manuel de la Torre is starting up <a href="">a compatibility list</a>, and welcomes feedback and additions.<br /><br />Marc Zimmerman also writes in suggesting that a poll be done to canvass user experience. If you own a new Pocket PC based on the 2003 operating system, how is your experience faring? (As always, hit Discuss if you just want to view the results.)
06-29-2003, 01:29 AM
I don't yet have a PPC2003 (or a "l33t" PPC, whatever that is). But I voted for the last choice so I could see the results of the poll. There's probably another way.
Dave Beauvais
06-29-2003, 01:41 AM
...or a "l33t" PPC, whatever that is ...
It's hacker-speak for "elite." It's commonly written "1337" for that sweet I-can't-type-using-letters-like-a-normal-person-because-I'm-too-cool-for-that hacker look. Think of "elite" as the coolest of the cool. 8)
Example: My Web site ( is not 1337. ;)
Janak Parekh
06-29-2003, 02:11 AM
I don't yet have a PPC2003 (or a "l33t" PPC, whatever that is). But I voted for the last choice so I could see the results of the poll. There's probably another way.
You can just hit "Discuss" to view the results. I'll update my post to reflect this.
06-29-2003, 04:29 AM
Bug Me and Mapopolis installed and worked fine. I contacted Cash Organizer and they said it should install without problems but I haven't tried yet.
My new Pocket PC is so l33t, I don't need no stinkin' applications! 28% [ 26 ]
Bloody script kiddies. :roll:
Trivia! I have a gold star for anyone who remembers where the term "elite" comes from. :)
06-29-2003, 10:42 AM
was it that nice commando game on the c64?
06-29-2003, 11:04 AM
Although there is no real problem with Agenda Fusion, the Today wallpaper does not appear in the Today screen of Agenda Fusion. But I guess this is not enough to warrant inclusion into a "doesn't work" list.
06-29-2003, 03:02 PM
My Ipaq 2215 is my first PPC, so I don't have a whole lot of apps installed, but I've been really surprised that Avantgo and Vindigo both have issues!
- Avantgo won't hotsync reliably unless I do a soft reset before I sync. It gives me an error message something like "Device components are missing or out of date."
- Sometimes, when I start the Vindigo application, the title bar and menu bar appear, but the application hangs before it displays anything else. (The application I'd previously been using stays on the screen.) All other apps continue to work normally, but a soft-reset is required to make Vindigo work. It seems this pattern occurs mostly after I've been watching recorded TV shows in Windows Media Player.
Anyone else experiening this?
06-29-2003, 03:31 PM
My new Pocket PC is so l33t, I don't need no stinkin' applications! 28% [ 26 ]
Bloody script kiddies. :roll:
Trivia! I have a gold star for anyone who remembers where the term "elite" comes from. :)
werent there elite soldiers or something in WW1 or something?
Trivia! I have a gold star for anyone who remembers where the term "elite" comes from. :)
It meant to "elect" someone to an office and had something to do with the Pope and bishops. From there it morphed to represent the "select" members of society.
Now back on topic: It looks like most 2002 programs will work, but the install program may not be smart enough to understand the version of the OS is an upgrade. Copying the .CAB files directly to the device for installation seems to fix many of the problems.
I've got my new 2210 reserved for Thursday so I'll know more then. Forget the apps for now...I want my stinking Linksys WCF12 driver for wireless! :?
No, no, and no. :cry:
Surur was kinda close though... it does refer to a game... there was even a post here about this game being ported to Pocket PC. (It's too easy to figure out now!) ;)
No, no, and no. :cry:
Surur was kinda close though... it does refer to a game...
Sorry, but you didn't specify that the context of your question:
Trivia! I have a gold star for anyone who remembers where the term "elite" comes from.
So my answer on the origin of the word "elite" itself is certainly vaild. - I want my gold star! :razz: (You won't find any reference to a modern video game when you look up elite in your OED. :roll: )
I'm referring to the term that is in use by script kiddies, "l337 d00dz" and whatnot today... that should have been understood from the poll question and from my first post. ;)
I guess you can have a silver star or something. *pins a silver star on daS* :mrgreen:
06-29-2003, 09:12 PM
1.I got Money for Pocket PC to work by installing it to an SD card on my Maestro (Pocket PC 2002) then switching the card to the IPAQ 2215. When accessing the program on the card everything seems to work fine and be stable.
2.I was able to load Journal Bar (Omega One) on the IPAQ 2215 it worked for 1 day then would not update the weather anymore. I tried uninstalling, cleaning the registry and reinstalling but it still won’t update weather. It seems a lot of people are having trouble with weather updating (even on 2002) according to the Omega One forums about Journal Bar. No solution that works consistently yet.
3.Textmaker for Pocket PC (Softmaker) works fine.
4.Pocket Slides (Conduits) works fine
5.Pda Confidential (Soft Agency) works fine
6.FlexWallet (TwoPeaks) seems to work fine
7.Mapopolis works fine
8.Lextionary works fine
9.Bizbeam works fine
10.Resco File Explorer 2003 works fine and so does Resco Registry
11.Pocket Top drivers for keyboard don’s work and everytime I try to select the keyboard it turns on my Bluetooth. Requires soft freset to be able to turn Bluetooth off.
12.Space Reclaimer works fine
13.Audible Player works fine but I can’t pull anything up using Microsoft Reader and play it ( although I can load and read text ebooks just fine). I tried some of the different fixes recommended but nothing seems to allow playing Audible stuff thru my Reader software.
14.Pocket TV seems to play fine
15.Novesec Facelift – loads and the settings for selecting programs from the today screen works fine but when I activate Facelift I can no longer use my Personal screen under settings or my Connections screen. I need to soft reset and disable Facelift. But, like I mentioned earlier, the program selector bar works fine.
16.Pocket Plus (Spb) won’t load at all
17.PixAround’s Pixmaker viewer for Pocket PC seems to work fine
18.I also was unable to JS Landscape to load or work.
19.When I tried to load and old version of PoQuick Money it would load but when I tried to run it a message popped up saying I needed to install a runtime version of eMbedded visualbasic. I have not tried to make it work. In all fairness this software is not even supported anymore and has been completely rewritten. I have not tried its successor yet
This is all I have tested so far ( I’ve only had my 2215 for three days – I love it). I am certain that most of these will be updated in the near future. After all HP doesn’t even list the 2215 in its driver download and software lists yet. All in all most things of importance seem to be functioning. This is the price you pay for early adoption.
06-29-2003, 09:43 PM
1.I got Money for Pocket PC to work by installing it to an SD card on my Maestro (Pocket PC 2002) then switching the card to the IPAQ 2215.
Did you try moving the databases from one device to the other? Do they need to be updated with MS' wizard?
6.FlexWallet (TwoPeaks) seems to work fine
TwoPeaks vehicle manager needs the databases updated.
8.Lextionary works fine
Which version did you install? I tried loading the latest (1.4) and none of the graphics would display.
13.Audible Player works fine but I can’t pull anything up using Microsoft Reader and play it ( although I can load and read text ebooks just fine). I tried some of the different fixes recommended but nothing seems to allow playing Audible stuff thru my Reader software.
I followed the directions in Ed's post and it worked for me.
I couldn't get the Socket wireless card to work at all with their new driver--even after a hard reset. So I went out and bought an Ambicom card, and it worked perfectly first time with their .net driver.
06-30-2003, 06:54 AM
elite your mode
Of the two programs CERTIFIED for PPC2003, only one works on my 5555. Figures. Here's my experience so far.
1. Pocket Backup Plus (Sprite Software, v2.12): Works fine. In fact, it's about 4x faster than on my 5455.
2. Calligrapher (PhatWare, v6.5.2): Installs fine. Can enter setup, but functionally, doesn't work at all. Nothing appears on screen as you write.
(Those were the certified ones... here's the rest, in alphabetical order...)
3. Big Two (Miniseed Software, v1.1): Works fine.
4. BlackJack Pro (G3 Studios, v1.02): Works fine.
5. CE Zebra (Pavel & Teramips Technologies, v1.0): Works fine.
6. ClearVue Suite (WestTek, v2.12): Works fine.
7. CoolCalc (Applian, v3.15): Works fine.
8. eWallet (Illiumsoft, v3.1): Works fine.
9. HP Mobile Printing (HP, v1.1.1.8 ): Works fine. Note, this is the PPC2003 version, not the PPC2002 version (there is a difference).
10. Monopoly (Handmark, v1.01): Works fine.
11. Resco Explorer (Resco, v4.11): Works fine... as you'd expect, since this is the version on the 5555 companion CD. Current version is v4.2, but there's no codes on the companion CD. I have a ticket into Resco, but so far, no upgrade solution.
12. Reveal Your Rank (Raimonds Rudmanis, v2.2): Works fine.
13. SmartST Pro (Navman, v1.90.0041 SP1): Works fine. This is the navigation software that accompanies the Navman 3420 and 3450 GPS sleeves. I have the 3420, which also works fine.
14. Yacht (Maximilian Wimmer, v3.0 Pro): Installs. Won't run. Error given is due to missing VB Runtime, which makes sense, since VB runtime is no longer included in the O/S with PPC2003. Thre is a VB Runtime download for PPC2003 however. After installing that, Yacht still won't run, but now the error is a "missing file."
That's everything that I have installed. I'm looking for a good program to enable viewing the screen in Landscape mode that works with the 5555. I'm also looking for a solution to the Calligrapher problem. I miss my Calligrapher!!! :cry:
07-24-2003, 09:34 PM
13. SmartST Pro (Navman, v1.90.0041 SP1): Works fine. This is the navigation software that accompanies the Navman 3420 and 3450 GPS sleeves. I have the 3420, which also works fine.
Have you heard of any issues with the 5555 and the NAVMAN 3450?
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