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View Full Version : Do you really need Compact Flash Type II, or is Type I fine?

06-27-2003, 02:08 PM
I am fine with Type I myself. My first Pocket PC, an Aero 1550 only supported Type I and it was not a problem.

With the likes of the hp2215 I am wondering if they switched to Type I it could result in the device slimming down by that 1.7mm? I know that there are other hardware constraints for device thickness, but do you really need the Type II slot? If the 2215 was 1.7mm thinner it would be 13.7mm thick, just 0.9mm thicker than the 1910! 8O

I don't have any Type II devices for my Maestro. I have Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth and memory cards and they are all Type I. I know many have microdrives. Will Type I flash memory soon replace the microdrive? Will we soon see a Type I microdrive?

Stephen Beesley
06-27-2003, 02:27 PM
Having a Jornada has meant that I have only collected CF I devices - but then I have not felt that I have missed out on anything. I have CF type I landline modem, wifi card and memory (must get around to getting the camera somtime). I have no real desire to run a Microdrive a nice 512meg cf card (not that I have that much yet :D )is all the storage I could imagine needing for some time.
