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View Full Version : how do you organize your files?

Chris Pi
06-26-2003, 04:15 PM
Do you guys keep all your added applications and games on an sd or cf card and leave the ram for the os? If not, what kinds of app's do you load into ram?

Also, what are the speed considerations (load times, acces times) between these things?

06-26-2003, 04:30 PM
Lets see ...whats on my SD card. I have my games, apps, documents, pictures there. I store my music and movies on my CF card....just cause its bigger and I take it out more to swap in the wifi card. Mostly my SD card is the memory that I install apps to cause it never leaves the Pocket PC.
I my self have not noticed a diffrence between the two formats (SD vs CF) You would think that apps in main memory would load faster but I havent noticed a diffrence between having them on the card vs. main memory. Some one else may have some benchmarks or info on the diffrences for ya. But real world....you probably wont notice a diffrence.

06-26-2003, 04:51 PM
I agree with Bearjaw. I install almost everything to my SD card (and then have all my media files and other junk there too). I just like to keep as much system RAM available as possible for performance issues. The only application I have installed to system RAM is Pocket Informant and that's only because I use it constantly.