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View Full Version : Original HP 565 Accesories for sale / trade

06-21-2003, 12:07 AM
Have some HP 565 Accesories and goodies for sale or trade, if someone is interested drop me a message.

USB Cradle w/Charger (new) F2903A / F2922A ($17.99 + $12.99)
Serial Cable F1819A ($12.99)
Spare Charger F2922A ($12.99)
2 Screen Covers (1 new) F2954A ($9.49)
Original Documentation/CDs (new/original package)

A total of $75.94 according to prices shown @ HPShopping.com

As I live in a border city with the US, there will be no problem to send it anywhere in US or Mexico.

If interested drop me a message. Any offers? I currently own an iPaq 3955 with PiTech's Dual CF Expantion sleeve some CF memory cards and a CF 56k Modem.

I'm looking for an IrDA modem like:

* Psion Travel modem (http://www.shopping.hp.com/cgi-bin/hpdirect/shopping/scripts/product_detail/product_detail_view.jsp?product_code=F1838A%23ABA&aoid=10071&script_name=product.cgi)
* Wireless IR 56k Modem (http://www.pocketirmodem.com/buy.htm)
* Wireless BT 56k Modem (http://www.pocketbtmodem.com/buy.htm)