View Full Version : Nerd? Geek?
David Prahl
06-18-2003, 10:27 PM
What do think is the difference between a nerd and a geek, and what do you consider yourself to be?
I think of myself as a nerd, because "geek" sounds puny, and implies physical weakness or lack of social abilities.
Mitch D
06-18-2003, 10:39 PM
I think of myself as a geek and I am proud of it. I don't lack social skills or abilities and anyone that has seen me would never think I suffer from physical weakness (better known as the 90 LB weakling syndrome). Heck I always thought of a nerd as the lower of the two... I don't mean that to sound insulting or anything.
06-18-2003, 10:57 PM
This is so funny! My friends and I have been fighting over this same issue for the past week! I consider myself a geek because geeks can be cool. Nerds are not cool. They remind me of the kids that got beat up in high school and became giant CEO pricks later on in life. Geeks on the other hand are the regular, or cool kids that were also smart, a rare combination. I dont let people call me a nerd, they usually call you that to make fun of you. People will call you a geek however when you know much more information than any human being should possibly know about a specific small object...That I appreciate and relish!!! :twisted:
Kati Compton
06-18-2003, 11:03 PM
As far as I am aware, a geek has an alternate social crowd, whereas a nerd doesn't have a social crowd...
Or both nerds and geeks have social problems, but the geek is at least able to use his/her powers to be useful/interesting to other people, while a nerd only can help him/her self?
This isn't even getting into dweebs or dorks....
I'm now thinking of the SNL skit with the game show where the popular kids had to categorize the geeks, dweebs, spazzes, etc.
Kati Compton
06-18-2003, 11:04 PM
Is it geeky or nerdy to argue over the difference between a Trekkie or a Trekker?
And is it geeky or nerdy to ask that question? ;)
06-18-2003, 11:30 PM
Is it geeky or nerdy to argue over the difference between a Trekkie or a Trekker?
And is it geeky or nerdy to ask that question? ;)
If this thread turns you on, you're probably all of the above... :lol:
Janak Parekh
06-19-2003, 04:10 AM
So, from what I've heard, the terminology has switched over the years.
In the old days (and, indeed, it was the case when I was in high school), a "geek" was someone who was socially inept, while a nerd was a "brainy" person.
Today, "geeks" are the brainy technologists, while "nerds" are the socially misfit. Various technological sites brandish the term "geek", like Slashdot. And, of course, Geek Culture ( :lol:
Jason Dunn
06-19-2003, 04:42 AM
Nerd = math dork, pocket protector, no social skills
Geek = techno-savy love machine :mrgreen:
06-19-2003, 09:17 AM
Nerds rule!
In my family, we often refer to ourselves as the nerd-herd. A ranch of nerd cattle. My wife once referred to my affinity to shopping at Fry's (a local silicon valley favorite) as 'Nerd-Mart'
From my childhood: Geeks were not necessarily technically advanced nor intelligent. Nerds on the other hand were computer, math-loving, trekkie/scifi fanatics. Both could be social outcasts... but it was better to be a nerd than a geek. Geeks got stuffed in gargage cans... nerds made millions in the dot-com era.
06-19-2003, 02:35 PM
AFAIK, geek is an older word and was used at first to describe circus performers - the guys who bit heads off live chickens and the like. This was perhaps in contrast to the "freaks", like bearded ladies, giants and midgets. "Freaks and geeks!"
These days I think if you ask someone who is fairly mainstream (i.e., not a geek or a nerd) the difference and they may say that there is none. However, I think it is the social ineptness (nerds are; geeks are not necessarily) that divides them. Nerds are probably very aware that they are nerds; geeks may not necessarily think of themselves as geeks.
Perhaps another key thing about 'geeks' is that it takes non-geeks to define what is geeky.
I think I'm a little nerdy, a little geeky, but can fool people who first meet me if I need to. And, man, I despise 'Star Trek', which is probably helpful...
06-19-2003, 02:37 PM
Geek = techno-savy love machine :mrgreen:
That sounds like Nerd talk to me.....
06-19-2003, 02:38 PM
like the man say, nerds are socially unacceptable (not that they care), whereas geeks are an alternative (to jocks?).
A nerd sits at home at his pc on a friday night, a geek has figured out that he can put his pc in his pocket and show non-geeks in the pub how cool it is that he can use his bluetooth phone and ppc to surf the net...
06-19-2003, 05:02 PM
A nerd sits at home at his pc on a friday night, a geek has figured out that he can put his pc in his pocket and show non-geeks in the pub how cool it is that he can use his bluetooth phone and ppc to surf the net...
Yeah and then get his butt kicked by the drunken mob? :P
I don't think there's a real difference when it comes down to it - both are really interchangable. That's the impression I've gotten.
I looked "Geek" up in the dictionary( and got as the first definition:
1 : a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake
Nerd had the only definition of:
an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits <computer nerds>
I know, I'm pretty much a nerd/geek for even looking them up. :?
I looked "Geek" up in the dictionary( and got as the first definition:
1 : a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake
So Ozzie is a Geek? Who would have thought? :jester:
06-19-2003, 06:47 PM
Take the Geek Test :D
06-19-2003, 06:49 PM
I've always thought that "nerds" are socially graceless, if not inept. Geeks may be a little wierd, but have talents that overcome that to become, well, Steve Jobs and Rob Rosenberger and Janie Porche.
Trekkers who refuse be called Trekkies ("Ewl, puh-lease, no") have got to be nerds. Maybe I think so because I was (still am) a Trekkie. But I don't dress up as Riker to prove it. But I wish I still had my Star Fleet Exploration Kit model kit and toys from the 70s. I could buy a new tricorder, erm, PDA with them. ;) But I digress....
Kati Compton
06-19-2003, 07:58 PM
From my childhood: Geeks were not necessarily technically advanced nor intelligent. Nerds on the other hand were computer, math-loving, trekkie/scifi fanatics. Both could be social outcasts... but it was better to be a nerd than a geek. Geeks got stuffed in gargage cans... nerds made millions in the dot-com era.
That's what it was when I was a kid, but at some point it flip-flopped.
Kati Compton
06-19-2003, 07:59 PM
Trekkers who refuse be called Trekkies ("Ewl, puh-lease, no") have got to be nerds. Maybe I think so because I was (still am) a Trekkie. But I don't dress up as Riker to prove it. But I wish I still had my Star Fleet Exploration Kit model kit and toys from the 70s. I could buy a new tricorder, erm, PDA with them. ;) But I digress....
I was under the impression that Trekkers are Star Trek fans that feel that they have lives, whereas the Trekkers feel that Trekkies are obsessed to the point of not caring about anything but Star Trek. At least, that's what my Trekker friend told me... ;)
PS - Trekkies the movie was really funny in a sometimes-sad sort of way.
David Prahl
06-19-2003, 11:51 PM
I took the Geek test a week ago, and got a 38. However, because I am a nerd, that translates to 80 or so (just like the AMD Quantispeed & Intel thing).
As you can tell by my name, I AM a nerd. I just spent three days trying to get my 802.11b network working correctly. Did I get it? Of course! :wink: But only a nerd would have nothing else going on... :mrgreen:
Does a nerd have more "technical understanding" than a geek? Should I convert? (or am I already?) :lol:
I've taken apart and re-assembled a PC blindfolded...
I'm the kid who read a book on SQL in 8th grade...
I'm the kid who has been called OUT of high school to fix a computer problem twice!!
Crystal Eitle
06-20-2003, 12:41 AM
Geek or nerd, I'm proud to say I am one. To me "geek" carries more connotations of technological know-how and gadget lust, whereas a "nerd" is like a geek without the lucrative skillz.
I agree with Kati that these two terms definitely flip-flopped at some point.
I only go out with geeky guys. I think they're way sexier than "regular" guys. Geeks are just all around more interesting.
Janak Parekh
06-20-2003, 12:43 AM
Geek or nerd, I'm proud to say I am one. To me "geek" carries more connotations of technological know-how and gadget lust, whereas a "nerd" is like a geek without the lucrative skillz.
Interesting. May I ask how you found being a flight attendant interesting? Was it primarily from the travel standpoint? I can't imagine that the routine aspects of the flight were that compelling... ;)
Crystal Eitle
06-20-2003, 12:48 AM
Geek or nerd, I'm proud to say I am one. To me "geek" carries more connotations of technological know-how and gadget lust, whereas a "nerd" is like a geek without the lucrative skillz.
Interesting. May I ask how you found being a flight attendant interesting? Was it primarily from the travel standpoint? I can't imagine that the routine aspects of the flight were that compelling...
:oops: I didn't necessarily mean to imply that I had lots of technological skill. To me geek and nerd encompass a lot of aspects (being smart, liking sci-fi and fantasy, listening to indie rock, wearing glasses, etc.), but if one must discern, than the added aspect of technological skill would define geekiness as opposed to plain ol' nerdiness.
You're not slamming my former career, are you?
Janak Parekh
06-20-2003, 12:50 AM
:oops: I didn't necessarily mean to imply that I had lots of technological skill.
Neither did I, either way. ;) That said, you have plenty of technological skill, so no problems there. :D
You're not slamming my former career, are you?
No, no -- not at all! Before you commented on the subject, I never thought about what it meant to be a flight attendant, and I'm merely curious. :)
Crystal Eitle
06-20-2003, 12:51 AM
In all fairness, though, I was a total misfit among the other flight attendants. So much so that I referred to my work as "Airplane World," because it was so different than the world I was used to. I used to go up in the cockpit and chat with the pilots a lot. One of them went so far as to tell me not to let on that I was so smart, as I wouldn't be liked.
Flying was always very exciting for me though. I love airplanes and flying. The routine of it didn't matter. It was never routine, anyway. We did some charter flying, and I never knew what my schedule was going to be.
Did you work for NWA? I thought they paid their Space Waitresses pretty good especially after being there a few years.
I used to fly them all the time between Boston and London before they scrapped that route. My kids hated them because they flew the oldest looking most beaten up planes. We were always pleasantly surprised that they made it one more time. Somehow they make even their new planes look old.
On the BOS-LGW route most of the FAs looked as though they started flying with the Wright brothers, even older than the equipment.
David Prahl
06-20-2003, 03:33 AM
Come on back on topic! :)
I have nothing against where this is headed, but I was hoping we could discuss the differences between "nerds" and "geeks."
06-21-2003, 05:47 AM
Trekkers who refuse be called Trekkies ("Ewl, puh-lease, no") have got to be nerds. Maybe I think so because I was (still am) a Trekkie. But I don't dress up as Riker to prove it. But I wish I still had my Star Fleet Exploration Kit model kit and toys from the 70s. I could buy a new tricorder, erm, PDA with them. ;) But I digress....
I was under the impression that Trekkers are Star Trek fans that feel that they have lives, whereas the Trekkers feel that Trekkies are obsessed to the point of not caring about anything but Star Trek. At least, that's what my Trekker friend told me... ;)
PS - Trekkies the movie was really funny in a sometimes-sad sort of way.
I loved that documentary. I thought it was as a good a commentary on teh whole Trekkie thing as GALAXY QUEST. But I thought some Trekker make very, very clear that Trekkies were the "old crowd" who only idolized ST: TOS, and Trekkers were the new breed, self-evidently superior for reasons that escape me, and would never in a million light years admit that TOS had anything going for it other than being the inspiration for later, and better, series. Um,... yeah, right. I'd like to see one of these kids down Saurian brandy and Romulan ale in one sitting, after double-shifts in phaser control during shakedown drills. But I digress AND exaggerate....
Oh, BTW, 25.64103% - Total Geek on that test. No shame in trying.
BTW, only a nerd in serious need of a ... nevermind ... would complain about staying on-topic in, ahem, the Off-topic forum. ;)
Kati Compton
06-21-2003, 06:31 AM
Did you work for NWA?
Space waitress is a rap star??? ;)
David Prahl
06-21-2003, 03:10 PM
BTW, only a nerd in serious need of a ... nevermind ... would complain about staying on-topic in, ahem, the Off-topic forum. ;)
Only a TRUE nerd would grab his eyeglasses and wireless ppc when he first wakes up to reply to such a trivial thread! :mrgreen:
Crystal Eitle
06-21-2003, 05:21 PM
Did you work for NWA? I thought they paid their Space Waitresses pretty good especially after being there a few years.
I used to fly them all the time between Boston and London before they scrapped that route. My kids hated them because they flew the oldest looking most beaten up planes. We were always pleasantly surprised that they made it one more time. Somehow they make even their new planes look old.
On the BOS-LGW route most of the FAs looked as though they started flying with the Wright brothers, even older than the equipment.
Hee! No, I flew with a charter called Omni Air International. We had a fleet of five DC-10s, some of which were older than me (I'm 28 ). 4 of our 5 planes were OK, but there was one I was convinced was going to fall apart. It constantly was having mechanical troubles. I prayed for the company to decommission it and chop it up for spare parts, but they were too cheap.
NWA (Northwest Airlines) is an old and venerable airline, based here in Minnesota. They do have a pretty old fleet - some planes from the 50s, even. But with the recent recession in the airline industry, they've decommissioned a lot of the older planes, especially the gas-guzzling DC-10s, in favor of newer ones.
I always hated McDonnel-Douglas planes.
Even the newer MD11 was horrible. Looks like most airlines, apart from FedEx, have stopped flying them.
From a passangers point of view Airbus seem to have gotten it right these days.
David Prahl
06-21-2003, 09:00 PM
sent wirelessly!
:| sigh...
I guess this is why nerds never visit the off-topic threads...
we just can't stand an off-topic conversation!
Kati Compton
06-21-2003, 09:07 PM
I guess this is why nerds never visit the off-topic threads...
we just can't stand an off-topic conversation!
Whereas geeks like me tend to derail the conversation. ;)
To attempt to make amends for helping take this off topic thread more off topic, I follwed the link and took the geek test.
The result was that I have achieved geek tendencies, falling short of actually being a geek.
Whether I am qualified to post in this thread at all is therefor debatable. I think the fact it's a wireless post from my Axim might help.
Crystal Eitle
06-22-2003, 12:56 PM
To attempt to make amends for helping take this off topic thread more off topic, I follwed the link and took the geek test.
Me too. I ranked 31.36095% - Total Geek. :rock on dude!:
I did, however, exaggerate on 1 or 2 of the questions. E.g., I clicked on "I collect stamps" even though I sold my stamp collection at a garage sale several years ago :worried: .
Kati Compton
06-22-2003, 05:44 PM
39.44773% - Major Geek
Kati Compton
06-22-2003, 05:45 PM
The result was that I have achieved geek tendencies, falling short of actually being a geek.
I think you need to watch more even-numbered Star Trek movies.... Since WE ALL KNOW the odd/even rule, right?
David Prahl
06-22-2003, 10:54 PM
How did everyone do on the "Geek Test?" (compatible with Nerds, but not supported! :D )
I got a 38! :clap:
I forgot my score so I had to do it again.
12.2288 - Geekish Tendencies.
I think my score was downgraded because I don't know the odd/even rule.
I did know the final answer is 42 though.
Kati Compton
06-22-2003, 11:14 PM
I think my score was downgraded because I don't know the odd/even rule.
Even numbered Star Trek movies are good, odd are bad (though some might debate IV as being too "mainstream").
I've slept through Star Trek I more times than I've seen it all the way through.
There. I've just increased your geekiness.
I bet I'm close to 13% now. :jester:
06-23-2003, 05:33 PM
I was astonished to learned that I'm only 11% geekish. I can't wait to tell my wife - she thinks I'm a total geek, and some friends think so too, but they were wrong! I've got a lot of work to do to catch up. To be honest, I think I erred on the side of non-geekish answer vs. the geek-answer to get a conservative read, so I'm probably I little more. I used to collect stamps, so I didn't check that one, etc... :wink:
06-26-2003, 05:09 AM
To be honest, I think I erred on the side of non-geekish answer vs. the geek-answer to get a conservative read, so I'm probably I little more.
Huttah!! 8)
06-26-2003, 05:10 AM
Steven Cedrone
06-26-2003, 12:02 PM
Are you loosin' it??? Have you been doing this :frusty: too much??? :wink:
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