06-17-2003, 04:57 AM
Automagic MSN signup at Best Buy? AOL signup at CompUSA?
... Not so funny is the apparent collusion between service providers and chain stores. A few weeks back, I tipped off the scam Microsoft has going with Best Buy, in which customers are automatically signed up and charged for MSN. AOL and CompUSA are practicing similar tactics. One of my spies rushed in a pinch to buy an exec a PDA at CompUSA, learned of the arrangement between it and AOL, and spoke with a manager to get a special code to cancel AOL. Alas, a direct call to AOL was required. "According to the salesman, an AOL account is established upon purchase of non-CPU devices as well, such as cameras and scanners," my mole murmured....
Anyone actually encountered this? Have a story like this when you bought a PDA at a retailer recently?
... Not so funny is the apparent collusion between service providers and chain stores. A few weeks back, I tipped off the scam Microsoft has going with Best Buy, in which customers are automatically signed up and charged for MSN. AOL and CompUSA are practicing similar tactics. One of my spies rushed in a pinch to buy an exec a PDA at CompUSA, learned of the arrangement between it and AOL, and spoke with a manager to get a special code to cancel AOL. Alas, a direct call to AOL was required. "According to the salesman, an AOL account is established upon purchase of non-CPU devices as well, such as cameras and scanners," my mole murmured....
Anyone actually encountered this? Have a story like this when you bought a PDA at a retailer recently?