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View Full Version : Am I just dreaming...?

06-16-2003, 11:07 PM
Quite often, there were discussions about how cheap the Palm devices are (Zire, etc) and how expensive Pocket PC devices are. The success of the iPaq and the success of the Axim proves on the Pocket PC side that there is a market for cheap devices and a market for high-end more expensive devices. This has also been proven in the Palm OS camp as well with the high-priced Sony and newer Palm Tungsten models.

Question for the masses. Would you rather see more high-end devices and features for Pocket PC and let the price remain high or would you rather see more cut-throat, bottom of the barrel prices with fewer features? I know we would like low price/high feature devices, but lets be realistic - it won't happen quickly.

For me, I want a high-end device and am willing to pay for it. For my family, I get them the easy to use and less expensive devices. What about you?

FWIW, this represents my high-end dream specs:

1) 3.8" or better yet 4" (like Toshiba model) transflective display
2) Integrated SDIO slot
3) Second integrated slot (either CF II or a second SDIO)
4) Integrated BT
5) Integrated WiFi
6) PXA255 with higher speed bus
7) Scroll wheel (Toshiba, old HP, etc)
8) Consumer IR (ie iPaq)
9) Biometric security (ie 54xx and 55xx iPaq)
10) 128mb RAM, 64MB ROM/safestore
11) Optional integrated 3+ megapixel camera
12) Game-playable d-pad (ie early Casio)
13) Alarm vibration option
14) Optional integrated phone module (GSM or CDMA)
15) Integrated screen cover (ie HP56x)
16) Seamless snap-on thumb keyboard (HP 56x style)
17) iPaq 19xx style form factor
18) Replaceable battery (1400mah standard, 2000+ extended)
19) USB host
20) what did I miss?

06-17-2003, 04:30 AM
I want everything on my palm. oops. on my hand. I'll collateralize my soul to the devil if I have to. I want a device that can do everything on the road. Pure mobility.

06-17-2003, 04:39 AM
I voted for the more features the better, but I also would like some work done on the OS.

Jerôme Ammerlaan
06-17-2003, 09:43 AM
I would like developers to start thinking about the ability of customers customizing their PPC's to individual demands instead of integrating as much as possible.

With all kinds of end-users with different expectations of their hardware, why shouldn't it be possible to change let's say a Bluetooth connection for a larger battery or a CompactFlash slot for a videocard or something. It's strange I can tinker around with my desktop PC all I want. Change hardware at my own desire. But with my PPC I'm stuck with the hardware the manufacturer supplies.

06-17-2003, 12:03 PM
If Microsoft can get the OS stable, the hardware will come! Just look at Symbian...

06-17-2003, 01:56 PM
Symbian had trouble with P800, right ? the one that delayed P800's launch by 6 months ?

06-18-2003, 07:54 AM
Symbian had trouble with P800, right ? the one that delayed P800's launch by 6 months ?Yes, but now it's one of the coolest gadgets available...

06-18-2003, 09:05 AM
20) what did I miss?
Higher resolution - why stick witht the 320x240? - I want at least 640x480, maybe even 800x600 (if that's usable on such a small screen).

Of cours we'd need MS to work on that as well, as 320x240 is a restriction on their part at the moment...

06-18-2003, 06:07 PM
Higher resolution - why stick witht the 320x240? - I want at least 640x480, maybe even 800x600 (if that's usable on such a small screen).

Of cours we'd need MS to work on that as well, as 320x240 is a restriction on their part at the moment...

I agree that OS improvements can drive dramatic improvements in hardware and this is one of the most compelling.... but all the items listed could be done today with the existing 2003 OS.

06-18-2003, 07:28 PM
13) Alarm vibration option

I'm surprised no current PPC (don't know about the Phone Edition) has this feature. Even the old Palm V series had a vibrating alarm/calender option. A vibrating function could also be used to enhance games :way to go:

Mitch D
06-18-2003, 07:34 PM
Yes, but now it's one of the coolest gadgets available...

I agree it's one of the coolest devices 8) out there but it's also one of the most expensive ($950+ Can.), I can only hope that the price comes down. The only other drawback I can see is that I am going to have to change cell providers to get one.

06-18-2003, 08:31 PM
13) Alarm vibration option

I'm surprised no current PPC (don't know about the Phone Edition) has this feature. Even the old Palm V series had a vibrating alarm/calender option. A vibrating function could also be used to enhance games :way to go:

I agree. A force-feedback effect!

06-19-2003, 07:25 AM
I'm surprised no current PPC (don't know about the Phone Edition) has this feature. Even the old Palm V series had a vibrating alarm/calender option. A vibrating function could also be used to enhance games :way to go: Actually the iPaq h5450 has vibrating alarm/calendar notification... check the volume, you have "vibrate" on the buttom...

06-20-2003, 02:44 PM
Yep my 5400 vibrates.

But what I am dying to see is Bluetooth Headphones.


06-21-2003, 03:24 AM
But what I am dying to see is Bluetooth Headphones.

Me too that would be so nice.

Kati Compton
06-21-2003, 03:29 AM
A vibrating function could also be used to enhance games :way to go:
I agree. A force-feedback effect!
Ugh - hurts my wrists. :(

06-21-2003, 03:32 AM
I agree. A force-feedback effect!
Ugh - hurts my wrists. :(

Glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't like force feedback :P

06-22-2003, 01:25 AM
I suggest to have a optional wired remote which can mapped the buttons to listen MP3 in windows media player

06-22-2003, 01:45 AM
I suggest to have a optional wired remote which can mapped the buttons to listen MP3 in windows media player
I think there was such an accessory for the Toshiba e570, but I haven't seen it anywhere else. I agree this would be a nice feature, though.

06-22-2003, 05:18 AM
more, I think USB 2.0 should also be supported in terms of hardware

06-22-2003, 05:50 AM
I think that I would love all the features that can be crammed into a PPC but I also think that they’re getting a little too pricey. I would imagine that with all the sales the companies say they’re making the prices should have started to come down just like the PCs did.

I think that an important thing to consider is the size of the PPC. My iPAQ has grown into a small brick. True it’s a beautiful brick and does do everything I want but it is to say the least a little chubby. I just received yesterday a Viewsonic v37 and it’s small and sleek. It’s the type of PPC that can be kept in a shirt pocket. I tried to get a friend of mine to go away from the palm. He loved the apps but he didn’t like the size of the iPAQ. He said he doesn’t want to keep a PDA anywhere except in his shirt pocket. I know there are other small PPCs around but I only wanted to suggest the best and it seems that to pack all the bells and whistles into a PPC it has to be big.

06-22-2003, 09:58 AM
Firewire will be nice.

06-22-2003, 01:49 PM
Firewire will be nice.

Yeah that would be nice. USB is sort of at the end of the road.