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View Full Version : No Lost Data with M-Systems DiskOnChip

Andy Sjostrom
06-13-2003, 08:29 AM
<a href="http://www.m-sys.com/mobile/pda.asp?areaId=3">http://www.m-sys.com/mobile/pda.asp?areaId=3</a><br /><br />Your data stored in your Pocket PC is lost if your Pocket PC's batteries die. If you don't have a backup, of course. <a href="http://www.m-sys.com/content/Information/profileInfo.asp?INFO=1">M-Systems</a> "develops, manufactures and markets innovative data storage solutions based on flash memory for markets such as, mobile phones, PDAs..." and say they know how to address the potential risk of losing data.<br /><br />"In PDAs without Mobile DiskOnChip, all user data and additional applications are stored on a large, battery-backed SDRAM. When the battery drains, all information is erased. This means that the PDA must be routinely synchronized with a PC to backup its information. Mobile DiskOnChip, a non-volatile storage device with write rates 10 to 20 times faster than most NOR and even NAND alternatives, allows the PDA application to store the data so that it is not erased when the battery dies."<br /><br />Sounds interesting. In a large enterprise deployment we tried to use Compact Flash cards to hold the application's database, in case the field workers Pocket PCs would run out of batteries. Didn't work. Every now and then, the Pocket PC "loses" contact with the storage card even though it is inserted in the slot. Only a soft reset leading to lost data restores the connection. We are now back to databases in RAM and automatic backups to storage cards. If the Pocket PC has it detected, that is. I hope M-Systems has this figured out and have a plan for helping out Pocket PC users!<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/disk_01.JPG" />

Stephen Beesley
06-13-2003, 09:58 AM
Yeh - good idea as far as it goes I guess....

I just do not understand why all PDAs out there do not copy what Apple did with the newton and use non-volitile flash RAM. With a Newton it did not matter how long you left the battery out for, when you came back and powered it everything would still be there just as you left it. The only thing you might have to do was re-align the screen and set the time and date!


06-13-2003, 12:24 PM
im guessing its a speed issue when writing to non-volitile ram

06-13-2003, 04:03 PM
M-Systems, announced back in February that Legend Group Ltd., the largest computer company in Asia outside of Japan, is using the Mobile DiskOnChip flash disk for local storage within its new personal digital assistant (PDA), the XP210 based on the Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 operating system and has the M-Systems' Mobile DiskOnChip, which provides 32 megabytes of persistent, non-volatile memory for the storage of the operating system, games and other applications, contact information and user data.

To read more on it head here (http://www.bostonpocketpc.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1188)

It has been rumored that Audiovox/Toshiba may be realeasing a new PPC with it, we will just have to wait and see...

06-13-2003, 06:26 PM
That's great to hear, I wonder since it's one thing that could be kept hush hush (off of the FCC website) if any of the new ones coming out will have it? Wishful thinking I'm sure, but you never know.

06-14-2003, 12:03 AM
The Zaurus is also non-volitale. It's RAM is used as RAM should be - for working memory for programs.