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View Full Version : Newbie needs internet wireless net access help

06-12-2003, 04:50 PM

I have a dell axim and I got a linksys wireless compact flash card 2.4ghz
what I am wanting to do is use it to get on the net anywhere and get my email ect.

I went down to my local T-mobile store since thats where I have my cell phone through and T-Mobile basiclly has net coverage all over where I live. But when I went down their the guy did not know how I could get net access he kep trying to push me to get a T-Mobile ppc/phone device which I dont want cause I got my dell Axim lol
So Anyone know what I need to do if I have a dell axim with a bluetooth Linksys wireless net card and I want to get on the net with T-Mobile or any other provider for New York State/Long Island USA

thanks Should I just call up T-Mobile and then get a net access account and manually plug in some where the login stuff in my axim and it would work or...??
plz help thanks

06-12-2003, 05:02 PM
I don't actually use this, but I think that you can get all of the answers to your questions at http://www.t-mobile.com/hotspot/default.asp?nav=hm

That includes locations of hotspots.

Though I though that I read somewhere that T-Mobile was simplifying their pricing plans. You may want to peruse the site and then call somebody live with any questions.