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06-07-2003, 04:49 AM

Well, I am sitting here typing on my laptop in my steaming hot office, instead of in my comfortably cool living room, because my server died on me yesterday. Maybe it was the fan that didn't blow as reliably as before, maybe it's the scorching heat, but after a few minutes of operation, my stone old Compaq Presario EZ2207, or better known as "Blue Toasteroven", has finally given up.

Now I am a complete idiot when it comes to hardware and soldering, but I will try to purchase a new fan and install it. Then again, if worse comes to worse, I can still call the pc doctor and have it fixed.

Oh well. I guess I can't complain after three years and NEVER a problem. I just wish I had my server back. It's so much nicer to roam through the house and be connected to the internet wirelessly. Just now I realize how important it is to have some kind of wireless connection... how did I even ever do it before? I feel like I am chained down to my desk, the chair feels uncomfortable and I don't even like to surf at all. What do you mean, I don't want to surf??? Oh my god. What is wrong with me??? 8)

A year ago, computer and desk for me where one inseparable item, I could have never imagined surfing the internet from my couch, or my balcony, or the bathroom (ahem :oops: ). Now it it almost gives me physical discomfort having to sit at my desk, chained to the wall with a network cable.

Sorry about my ranting. I needed to vent.
I'm going to be wireless again soon.
Maybe tomorrow.
Or the day after that.
I hope...


Wish me luck!

Kati Compton
06-07-2003, 05:00 AM
Good luck!

I'm sure we all want you to feel better soon. ;)

06-07-2003, 11:16 AM
HI, I know how you feel. At least I know what it is like to not have a computer. I have only owned laptops. This is my second one that I have had for a year and a half. I have sent it in to sony three times! I noticed today that the screen for some odd reason has started flickering badly. So I will be going into best buy with my service plan to see what is up.
Since I am moving from TExas to Baltimore, I got rid of my DSL. OH boy, i hate how slow the connection is. I have the hot spot at starbucks, but cant and dont want to be there all of the time.
WEll, lets see what the tech say...

Jason Dunn
06-07-2003, 03:39 PM
What does your server have to do with your wireless connection? :D Now might be the right time to invest in a stand-alone wireless gateway device that just plugs into your cable/DSL modem: something that isn't reliant on having a computer functioning.

06-07-2003, 04:15 PM
Ok ok ok.... slow down... wireless... standalone... no computer required...

- - - processing data - - -

:werenotworthy: Thanks Jason! That would be the solution to my problem. I am definitively looking into that. Sounds great! I was suspecting that something like that exists... (revelation!!!)

Now if I find a way to explain to my husband that he can't play Age of Mythology anymore, I'm all good... ;) I guess I still have to repair my stone-age Compaq, but it's not so pressing anymore. For me, anyway.

06-07-2003, 08:00 PM
Let your hubby fix the server then, since now he is the one needing it. case solved..lol

06-07-2003, 09:55 PM
I've picked up a SMC wireless router and card the day after I got my first notebook, about a week ago. I got them both at a local store for $60 (total after rebate).

I must say, it is awsome to chat, surf and listen to new music to buy, etc. I can't believe what I have been missing. Now I think I'm going to have to get my wife a separate notebook since neither of us wants to go upstairs for casual use of the desktop. :D

Jason Dunn
06-07-2003, 11:21 PM
Ok ok ok.... slow down... wireless... standalone... no computer required...

Look into the Microsoft MN-500. The setup is amazingly simple, and the signal from it is a little stronger than my D-Link 713-P. Very good investment!

06-08-2003, 03:47 AM
Hey hey hey! Please welcome me to the wonderful world of WIFI!!!!!

Just installed my wireless router (I got the Netgear one for CAN $ 69) and plugged in my wireless card and voila'... didn't even have to install anything. All I had to do was to switch it on. AMAZING!!!!

No antenna sticking out like with my old USB dongle from Bluegear. And so much faster.

Technology - don't you love it!?! I kinda feel a little dumb now because it took me so long to get there... :oops: but hey - better late then never!!! If now only my h1910 had a CF card slot, then my world would be perfect. *dream*

Thanks for the hint!

One very happy Karin

Jason Dunn
06-08-2003, 04:14 AM
Hey hey hey! Please welcome me to the wonderful world of WIFI!!!!!

Hooray! You did it!! :clap: :mrgreen:

06-08-2003, 03:10 PM
Make sure you disable "adhoc" and "broadcast" mode, and allow connection from predetermined MAC address only.

06-08-2003, 03:15 PM
Welcome to the world of wifi. Next step would be to download a sniffer, most commonly used are a freeware named Netstumbler ... to make sure that there are no funny connection from your neighbours :D

06-08-2003, 05:48 PM
I got my wifi last week and one thing i gotta say is that it's wonderfull having the posibilty of surfing on my own computer instead of my mum and dads computer... O im so happy 8)

Sven Johannsen
06-08-2003, 08:42 PM
I think some names are getting a little diluted. A sniffer used to be a piece of software that would analyse (or show) traffic on a network. NetStumbler and the like, doesn't do that. It lets you 'survey' what wireless networks are around.

Hence NetStumbler, Pocket WinC, etc. won't tell you who is using your WiFi, they will tell you whose WiFi you might be able to use.

Good advice though
t to learn a bit about hoew to set up your router/AP to safegauard your own information, privacy, and liability (packets coming from someone using your WiFi AP come from you)