View Full Version : UltiPlanner Public Beta
Jason Dunn
06-05-2003, 05:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><img src="" /><br /><br />"We are releasing a Public Beta Demo Version of our product during final testing. Please check it out and let us know any bugs or errors you may find or ideas for future versions. We had to cut off the 1.0 version somewhere but we already have pages of ideas for future versions, and want to hear which ones you find most important."<br /><br />• Full Contact, Task, Schedule, Note, and Journal Support <br />• Multiple Customizable Views per section <br />• Text Wrapping <br />• Category Icons and coloring <br />• Multi-Task Creation Features <br />• POOM Maintenence Options <br />• Linking<br /><br />Interesting in helping beta test this application? Download the beta from their site. Looks like Pocket Informant and Agenda Fusion have some new competition!
06-05-2003, 05:37 PM
Nice interface. But I'm not sure if it distinguishes itself that much from the competition. Being able to synchronize my ACT! information with TransACT on my Pocket PC, not much point in me switching.
06-05-2003, 05:40 PM
It looks a little too much like Pocket Informant....
06-05-2003, 05:40 PM
Thanks Jason, it's got the DateBk type calendar look and feel I've been looking for. I'll give it a go.
Looks like a winner for former POS'ers.
Will T Smith
06-05-2003, 06:00 PM
There are so many PIM replacements out there right now. I'm not sure that any more are going to make a significant dent in the marketplace unless they have some real earth-shattering features.
Don't forget that PocketPC2003 is bound to have some updates as well.
Let's all encourage software developers to forge into new territory instead of rehashing an area that all-ready has some very slick applications (Pocket Informant/Pocket Fusion).
06-05-2003, 06:14 PM
So they basically want people to test their stuff and people supposed to spend time testing a beta are rewarded with DEMO software? Also no info. on what the DEMO restrictions are?
Yeah right... 8O
06-05-2003, 06:26 PM
Let's all encourage software developers to forge into new territory instead of rehashing an area that all-ready has some very slick applications (Pocket Informant/Pocket Fusion).
For me that would be the ability to sync over addtional (user defined) fields from Outlook. That would seem to be more of a PC2003 OS issue since the PIMs just mask that data.
Tried TransAct and it is way too slow at this time.
06-05-2003, 06:37 PM
Seems very lacking to me............. Don't think it will do much to the PIM replacements out there now....... :(
This does not seem to move the PIM market on in any appreciable way - I'll download it and try it out, but it seems to have vary few unique selling points over the established competition.
The likelyhood is the good features will get incorporated into PI/PF.
What I'd like to see is a PIM front end which does not requre the use of a stylus for most features. For example, what good is a list of names in an address book? what I want is a fast way to access the name I want in an inteligent fashion with autocompletion for name/company/etc...
My 2c
06-05-2003, 07:22 PM
What I'd like to see is a PIM front end which does not requre the use of a stylus for most features. For example, what good is a list of names in an address book? what I want is a fast way to access the name I want in an inteligent fashion with autocompletion for name/company/etc...
Curious as to what you mean exactly?
I know a couple people that have coupled PI with Vito ButtonMapper to use hardware buttons for many, many features...... rather than the stylus.
Curious as to what you mean exactly?
For example, when I want to look up a name, I know either their first name, Surname or Company. A set of alphabetic buttons on the screen allowing me to start typing one of these 'names' should give a list of valid names which can then be chosen from. The list view is useful but a good search is more powerful.
PI has a good search but setting seach start misses first names and search within is slow. This is one area where UltiPlanner is quite nice as it implements a good search on first/last names BUT it doesn't seach on company!
The rest of the features I'm thinking of would be too long winded to explain but one feature would be setting time/date/etc would be to select the value to be edited and then use a 'finger slide' (possibly in a fixed region of the display) to scroll through the possible values. The PPC screen has 320 pixels which would be <5 minute intervals for time etc.. This would remove the need for pop-up windows and I think speed up parameter entry.
I know a couple people that have coupled PI with Vito ButtonMapper to use hardware buttons for many, many features...... rather than the stylus.
I've added a couple of functions to PI via Vito Button Mapper, but with only hold to map (I liked the direct switching of views) it becomes limted.
06-05-2003, 08:49 PM
Some interesting stuff there in your examples............ perhaps throw them up on the PI forums if you have not already......... :D
And with Vito, I found it hard to use on my 1910 personally, and with the diff. cal. views on each press of the hardware......... that is all I really needed.
Jason Dunn
06-05-2003, 08:49 PM
This does not seem to move the PIM market on in any appreciable way - I'll download it and try it out, but it seems to have vary few unique selling points over the established competition.
Why does an application need to have unique selling points? :roll: Sometimes price is all that is needed as a differentiator. If this can do 80% of what people want in a "super PIM" at 50% the price of a competitor, why do they need to offer anything unique? They said it was going to be affordable, which to me means "cheap". The market is flooded with imitation Rolex watches, Duracell knock-off batteries, and they do things almost as well as the "real thing" but cost far less. Why is this any different? (I mean no insult to this program, because it may indeed offer unique features)
Why does an application need to have unique selling points? :roll: Sometimes price is all that is needed as a differentiator. If this can do 80% of what people want in a "super PIM" at 50% the price of a competitor, why do they need to offer anything unique? They said it was going to be affordable, which to me means "cheap". The market is flooded with imitation Rolex watches, Duracell knock-off batteries, and they do things almost as well as the "real thing" but cost far less. Why is this any different? (I mean no insult to this program, because it may indeed offer unique features)
I accept your point, but it's not as though PI/PF are that costly. I don't know how much UltiPlanner is going to cost but calling it UltiPlanner tends to make me think they are trying to compete on features.
I tried UltiPlanner and it has some nice UI features. I like the simple search on names (if it would only add companies), bit overall it had an unfinished feel to it. I hope they do well with the product, but it has some way to go before reaching PI 4.01 (which is my daily driver), and PI4.1 is soon to be released.
My feeling is that any product entering an already crowded market has two options - one is to have a lower price (50% off at least until it can match the competition), and ther other is to be unique in one or more ways. With a PIM I feel the best way to be different is via the UI/functionality as having a low price (unless sales are high) will not pay for much future development. Also as a geek I don't like me-too products which don't push the envelope in some way. The developer of the new product has time to evaluate the established players when creating their design.
My 2c.
06-05-2003, 10:25 PM
Thanks PJE and Jason,
Yeah, you guys are both right.. I wrote this planning on coming in at a lower price, offering some interesting new ideas, as well as competing in functionality with the existing applications.. Obviously its not easy coming in right away with even close to the amount of features that they have spent years developing. I will get there, but stopped trying to get there in the first version or I would end up not releasing for a couple years. I'm hoping this is a very good showing for a 1.0 version, and I have plenty of room and pages of ideas already for updates to the program....
I really like the other two applications a lot, but do feel I can offer a different feel and some different features. And I worked very hard to keep an interface that stays under control after expansion, as I do not want the amount of features to outgrow the layout.
The "Company List" based on the alphabet keys is actually something I have working, but I just didnt quite like the way it felt yet, so I had omitted it from version 1.... Amazingly that is one feature you bring up....
Sorry, since this application hasnt been released yet, I apologize for not listing more on the website about the demo limitations.. Right now it will simply add a demo listing to the calendar, and some of the lists, as well as a nag messagebox on add/view/removing of items.... Thats it...
Just curious, as that is what kind of feedback Im looking for, what exactly is really lacking, that "you need"......
Thanks to all who check it out... And I hope to release it soon at close
to 50% off an existing price, with Pocket-SysWatch thrown in free for a limited time....
Thanks again,
06-05-2003, 10:43 PM
I haven't tried PI or AF, but my general impression is that they're not that well presented. I appreciate the efforts at expanding my PIM functionality, but not if the screen gets too cluttered or I have too many hieroglyphics to decipher. This looks like it has nice functionality and the presentation strikes me as easier on the eyes.
I haven't really had any problems with Pocket Outlook itself, so I haven't tried PI or AF. If this is priced reasonably enough, though, I might give it a try.
Just my $0.02.
06-05-2003, 11:03 PM
I haven't tried PI or AF, but my general impression is that they're not that well presented. I appreciate the efforts at expanding my PIM functionality, but not if the screen gets too cluttered or I have too many hieroglyphics to decipher. This looks like it has nice functionality and the presentation strikes me as easier on the eyes.
I haven't really had any problems with Pocket Outlook itself, so I haven't tried PI or AF. If this is priced reasonably enough, though, I might give it a try.
Just my $0.02.
I actually contacted PI's developer a long time, and complained on how complicated everything is, and how to manipulate or do something in an easier fashion. The deveoper replied and told me that is what happens when an application is so rich is features. (Basically telling me to live with it and to shutup)
I think one thing these programs need to do is implement a wizard, for some popular, yet various ways one can organize the data in the Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes.
Just my 0.02.
06-06-2003, 12:50 AM
Just curious, as that is what kind of feedback Im looking for, what exactly is really lacking, that "you need"......
What I'm looking for is one simple addition to the current PPC calendar: a decent 7-day view similar to Outlook's "week" view. Your week view (current day across in the top box with the next 6 days in 2 columns beneath) is a good one. (I don't know what you call that veiw.)
I haven't yet played with Ulti-Planner very much but my first impression is that it is slow. Example: I'm on the agenda-style calendar view. I click the little calendar icon in the upper-right corner, which pops up a monthly calendar. I choose the date I was already on and click OK. It takes 49 SECONDS for the popup calendar to close.
I wonder if something is wrong because I can't imagine even a beta being this slow. Maybe it's because I have a lot of data, but Pocket Outlook isn't slow with my data.
Will T Smith
06-06-2003, 01:22 AM
Thanks PJE and Jason,
Just curious, as that is what kind of feedback Im looking for, what exactly is really lacking, that "you need"......
Thanks again,
I can certainly appreciate the amount of work it takes to put into an application like this. Your design looks very clean and efficient. It all looks like great software.
I went to your web site and noticed "The Dog Ate It." application. I think that looks like a pretty great application as well. It also looks like your PIM and your student planner is using quite a bit of common code.
The PIM demographic is pretty well saturated. Beyond the cost thing, PI and AF are pretty cheap and I'm not sure that you won't be able to get significant price discrimination ($7???) as long as people are using credit cards for purchase instead of cash. For "The Dog Ate It", your looking at a fairly small demographic of full-time students who have enough money to buy a PocketPC.
May I suggest a tangental product that goes along the line of what you've already done. You could probably use a LOT of common code. Create an application for teacher planning. Teachers aren't paid great for their level of education, but they certainly make more than students and can even write off a PocketPC as an unreimbursed expense. Furthermore, a teacher planning package could also lead to institutional sales/licensing if a school system goes PocketPC and needs something to drive them.
Attendance, grades, seating charts, assignments, behavior, all this stuff is ideal for a computer that teachers can take wherever they go. If you can save a teacher some time, there is probably some money to be made. It could even integrate with your student module :-)
Remember not only are AF and PI biting at each other's heels, Microsoft is always bearing down on 3rd party vendors. Getting significant mindshare over the three dominant players will be very difficult and may not be worth it even if you do succeed. The best bet is finding an unserved market place that has a problem AND some money. :-)
06-06-2003, 03:45 AM
49 seconds..!! wow... either its machine or data specific, or I really didnt test with a big enough dataset... My current PO data has at least 15 appts a day each day for the next month, and another 5 recurring appts every week.... and 1100 contacts, and 600 tasks.... And I have never seen anything over 8 seconds.... Ill have to see what I can come up with....
I am surprised, while I have never thought that AF/PI were overcharging, this is the first crowd that I have run across that thinks they are both very inexpensive software.... Anyway, I am sure there is more of a market there than you would guess.... And there are only two main applications... TWO.... And MS has done little in the way of threatening 3rd party software on PPC... So far....??
I have drawn up basic plans for teaching software in the past, and do have a very good codebase built up. I may consider it again at some point soon. Although right now I have something a little bit bigger on the horizon....
Thanks again!!!
06-06-2003, 03:58 AM
I haven't tried the demo, but everyone is mostly talking about features and price. What about speed? I see bbarker commented on the calendar being really slow ... that sounds a little discouraging ...
Actually, I'm starting to get a little tired of the slowness of PI and would gladly switch to another PIM if it were lickity quick (I'm sure I don't use 1/4 of the features of PI).
Mark R Penn
06-06-2003, 11:16 AM
I haven't tried the demo, but everyone is mostly talking about features and price. What about speed? I see bbarker commented on the calendar being really slow ... that sounds a little discouraging ...
Actually, I'm starting to get a little tired of the slowness of PI and would gladly switch to another PIM if it were lickity quick (I'm sure I don't use 1/4 of the features of PI).
I have tried the demo, and on my machine it was slower than PI (start up time was a little quicker, but changing view, even after the first time, was very much slower).
However, in UltiPlanners defence:
A) I am something of a power user of PI, so I could not manage with a lower feature set. Many could, and if UltiPlanner is at a lower price level, then I'd say it will have a good market.
B) I am using a beta version of PI that is ahead of the release version. It has offered significant speed increases.
C) PI is slow to start, though not as slow as it was. Therefore I don't close it! As long as I keep it running (easy with Icbar), vertually everything happens in an instant.
D) It is only beta at the moment. If it is a little slow, then I expect that's exactly what Brian wants to hear!
E) I've seen (unconfirmed) reports that PI runs significantly faster on PPC2003. Maybe that will be the same for most software, so the speed issue will be a non-issue for those who can/are willing to upgrade?
Mark R Penn
06-06-2003, 11:49 AM
I actually contacted PI's developer a long time, and complained on how complicated everything is, and how to manipulate or do something in an easier fashion. The deveoper replied and told me that is what happens when an application is so rich is features. (Basically telling me to live with it and to shutup)
I think one thing these programs need to do is implement a wizard, for some popular, yet various ways one can organize the data in the Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes.
Sorry but I have to take issue with that. Firstly it does not match Alex' stock reply to this point, which is that all of the frequently used customisations/options are available directly from the UI, without having to go into options. Unless he was having a particularly bad day, it would be out of character for him to tell you to live with it, and I've certainly NEVER seen him tell anyone to shut-up. I've had some pretty in depth "debates" with him, on occasion telling him I think he's made this or that mistake, and he has never once told me to shutup! He will say that something is as it is for a good reason, but "live with it and shutup", no.
Secondly, what do you mean by complicated? The more features something has the more complicated it is by definition. An application with 4 features should logically take twice as long to learn as one with two! Beyond making all those features as easy to use as possible, I can't see anyway of oddsing that!
If you mean "has more features than anyone could possibly want, please remove some", then you are in the market for UltPlanner, and were hardly likely to get the responce you wanted from Alex! If on the other hand you mean "I need all the features, but they are not presented in a logical manner", then a) you will be limited by UltiPlanner as it stands in these very early days, and b) perhaps need to spend some time getting familiar with PI. I find it very streightforward and logical to use, and I use almost all of it's features every day.
Finally PI does have a wizard. It only runs when you first instal PI, but it does cover the basics.
I haven't tried PI or AF, but my general impression is that they're not that well presented. I appreciate the efforts at expanding my PIM functionality, but not if the screen gets too cluttered or I have too many hieroglyphics to decipher. This looks like it has nice functionality and the presentation strikes me as easier on the eyes.
Yes this is a perception problem for both PI and AF, and I think will be for UltiPlanner too when they are able to display as much info as those two.
Basically, both AF and PI are able to display far more info, in many more ways, than the built in apps. So, when putting up a screen shot, the developer has to decide "do I want to show every possible piece of info that this view could carry therefore making it appear cluttered, or do I want it to look clean and simple on first glance therefore seeming limited?". The problem is, it's impossible to do both!!
My opinion with UltiPlanner is that it looks simpler because it IS simpler, in the same way that Pocket Word looks simpler than Textmaker (not a critisism - I think it's an excelant result for a first release). I'm certain Brian will do his best to limit the confusion as he adds features, but I know for a fact he won't be able to avoid it completely.
In reality, nearly every item in PI (and to a slightly lesser extent in AF) can be turned off if you don't need it, and nearly all of the "hieroglyphics" can be replaced with your own to aid instant recognition. I have been using PI for at least two years now, but still find the screen shots on the website, and other peoples setups, confusing at first glance. Mine on the other hand takes no thought at all to interpret. I'm sure the same is true of all PIM's, whether on the desktop or handheld. Afterall, they are personal information managers!!!!
That'll be sixpence please!
06-06-2003, 01:07 PM
I have been using PI for at least two years now, but still find the screen shots on the website, and other peoples setups, confusing at first glance. Mine on the other hand takes no thought at all to interpret. I'm sure the same is true of all PIM's, whether on the desktop or handheld. Afterall, they are personal information managers!!!!
Personal Information Manager! Good one, Mark :D ! I just realized this is probably the reason why I like PI so much! I can customize almost every option, to get the PIM I want! Granted, it takes a little learning and doing before getting there, but it's so worth it!
I haven't come across any other PPC PIM getting even close to being as 'personal' as PI- you just have to get to know it first :D. I now have a PIM that suits my needs, and is easy and quick for me to use and interpret!
06-06-2003, 02:34 PM
Thanks Mark,
I nearly contacted you directly knowing that you are such a Power-User
and would be able to give an honest run-down (with just a tinge of expected bias :wink: ) .
I like the 2003 news.. Hopefully its true.. I cant be loading from PO that significantly much different than the other guys, so I would expect that if they are faster than I will be too...
As far as speed goes, obviously with switching some features off my speed (as well as theirs) can be significantly increased... I have a few more ideas for some more significant performance increases in my schedule views, as well, but they may wait... I think Im fairly close on speed if not faster in the Task/Contact views.. and I dont think Im showing any less info than the other guys(especially AF).... In a few
cases more....
Thanks again....
Mark R Penn
06-06-2003, 03:15 PM
and I dont think Im showing any less info than the other guys(especially AF).... In a few
cases more....
I probably should have said choices of info, or ways of displaying the same info. I think PI is more customisable in that respect than AF is, which in turn is more flexible than UltiPlanner (can we call it UP? How do you feel about your software being called up?!).
But hey Brian, it's early days - you've done a great job, and to have your app discussed as a viable alternative to two major players like PI and AF, when you're only at version 1, is pretty good going!
I nearly contacted you directly knowing that you are such a Power-User
and would be able to give an honest run-down (with just a tinge of expected bias).
Well, yes I am biased (I'm a moderator on the PI forum, and am part of their beta group), but I do try to keep as open minded as possible. I'm not paid anything by WebIS, so my bias comes out of the fact that having tried AF for some time, and now UP briefly, I still think PI is the best PIM for the PPC bar none. That's reinforced by what I've seen through beta testing. However, I can see how AF could be prefered by some users, and perhaps even more so I can see a place for UP.
I also concider PI's forums to be a very distinct advantage for their product, though it looks as if you are likely to be as responsive as Alex is. Hope so - IMHO it's what sets a good developer apart from the also rans.
I've kind of made my bed now, and am VERY comfy in it, but I still wish you luck with your project.
Doug Raeburn
06-06-2003, 06:57 PM
I think Im fairly close on speed if not faster in the Task/Contact views...
I guess you could call me Mark's counterpart in the AF camp... I'm a moderator on D1's forum on, and I'm also a beta tester.
Regarding your statement quoted above, you may be right regarding tasks, but I have some less encouraging news about contacts... Ulti-Planner has some significant issues when "stress tested" in its Contacts view.
I keep my company's entire phone book on my Pocket PC... comes in handy all the time, not to mention providing a pretty significant "wow" factor... I love to use it in front of a Palm owner <g>. Anyway, that means I have ~5000 contacts. AF handles this volume with ease regardless of sort. PI handles this volume with similar ease when using FileAs sort, although it is somewhat slower using other sort modes.
The closest test that I could find that all 3 products could perform was switching sort modes.
Switching from Company sort to FileAs sort:
AF - 4 sec.
PI - 1 sec.
Going the other direction... FileAs sort to Company sort:
AF - 4 sec.
PI - 20 sec.
AF is consistent across both tests, since it uses the same optimization algorithm for all sort modes. The reason for the difference in PI's times is that the first test takes advantage of its optimized FileAs mode, while the second does not. (I'm just showing the range of performance times from the existing players as a benchmark, so PI fans, please don't take offense.).
Then we get to Ulti-Planner. In both tests, it took longer than 3 minutes before control of the Pocket PC was returned.
My conclusion is that Ulti-Planner needs some work in this area before it's ready to play with the "big boys".
Aside from this, I had a pretty positive reaction to UP... the UI seems to be quite polished for a beta for version 1, and it has pleasingly streamlined visuals. There's clearly some things about AF that I'd miss, but it seems like a very credible first effort, again aside from the issue stated above.
Best of luck with your beta program!
06-06-2003, 07:22 PM
Thanks for the info Doug.. I definitely considered asking you directly
too... And its good to hear fairly positive things from the two main supporters of each of the other camps.. Now I Just have to find one of "you guys" for this program that is unattached!! :D
Hmmm.. looks like sorting needs a lil more refining... Im curious, are you using an older PPC. I would guess it is falling to a backup routine that I know is slow(the comments at the beginning of the code even says, "don't use unless absolutely necessary, it is fiendishly slow" :D ). It would drop to this possibly because of the OS and the built in Database access handling, as I had to put in in place for my old Jornada 525.. I guess I can handle(for this release) not getting a fast sort on an old machine with 5000 contacts if that is the case... Hopefully it is....
Thanks again for checking it out!!
Doug Raeburn
06-06-2003, 07:51 PM
Sorry, Brian... I meant to include that tidbit in my response. I was using my oldest Pocket PC, but it's an iPAQ 3955. So I doubt that it's hardware... :(
06-06-2003, 07:57 PM
thanks... hmmm...
06-06-2003, 08:41 PM
tried it......liked the look/feel.......but.......
switching between the task list and the calendar was painfully slow (especially after adding/removing entry's on one or the other). At least three times I had to force the app closed with my task switcher due to no response.
this was on a Dell Axim 400Mhz with no other PIM overlay installed.
06-06-2003, 11:02 PM
Thanks to all who tried it out. I have released the 1.0 version, and am planning an agressive update cycle during the first few weeks to hopefully clean up any remaining problems, and throw in a few new features.
Thanks again!!!
06-10-2003, 11:42 PM
And as promised I am sticking with my aggressive update cycle and have released Version 1.01 with the Schedule View sped up at least 3x faster..... And a few other notable fixes....
06-13-2003, 08:51 AM
I actually contacted PI's developer a long time, and complained on how complicated everything is, and how to manipulate or do something in an easier fashion. The deveoper replied and told me that is what happens when an application is so rich is features. (Basically telling me to live with it and to shutup)
I think one thing these programs need to do is implement a wizard, for some popular, yet various ways one can organize the data in the Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes.
Sorry but I have to take issue with that. Firstly it does not match Alex' stock reply to this point, which is that all of the frequently used customisations/options are available directly from the UI, without having to go into options. Unless he was having a particularly bad day, it would be out of character for him to tell you to live with it, and I've certainly NEVER seen him tell anyone to shut-up. I've had some pretty in depth "debates" with him, on occasion telling him I think he's made this or that mistake, and he has never once told me to shutup! He will say that something is as it is for a good reason, but "live with it and shutup", no.
Secondly, what do you mean by complicated? The more features something has the more complicated it is by definition. An application with 4 features should logically take twice as long to learn as one with two! Beyond making all those features as easy to use as possible, I can't see anyway of oddsing that!
If you mean "has more features than anyone could possibly want, please remove some", then you are in the market for UltPlanner, and were hardly likely to get the responce you wanted from Alex! If on the other hand you mean "I need all the features, but they are not presented in a logical manner", then a) you will be limited by UltiPlanner as it stands in these very early days, and b) perhaps need to spend some time getting familiar with PI. I find it very streightforward and logical to use, and I use almost all of it's features every day.
Finally PI does have a wizard. It only runs when you first instal PI, but it does cover the basics.
I haven't tried PI or AF, but my general impression is that they're not that well presented. I appreciate the efforts at expanding my PIM functionality, but not if the screen gets too cluttered or I have too many hieroglyphics to decipher. This looks like it has nice functionality and the presentation strikes me as easier on the eyes.
Yes this is a perception problem for both PI and AF, and I think will be for UltiPlanner too when they are able to display as much info as those two.
Basically, both AF and PI are able to display far more info, in many more ways, than the built in apps. So, when putting up a screen shot, the developer has to decide "do I want to show every possible piece of info that this view could carry therefore making it appear cluttered, or do I want it to look clean and simple on first glance therefore seeming limited?". The problem is, it's impossible to do both!!
My opinion with UltiPlanner is that it looks simpler because it IS simpler, in the same way that Pocket Word looks simpler than Textmaker (not a critisism - I think it's an excelant result for a first release). I'm certain Brian will do his best to limit the confusion as he adds features, but I know for a fact he won't be able to avoid it completely.
In reality, nearly every item in PI (and to a slightly lesser extent in AF) can be turned off if you don't need it, and nearly all of the "hieroglyphics" can be replaced with your own to aid instant recognition. I have been using PI for at least two years now, but still find the screen shots on the website, and other peoples setups, confusing at first glance. Mine on the other hand takes no thought at all to interpret. I'm sure the same is true of all PIM's, whether on the desktop or handheld. Afterall, they are personal information managers!!!!
That'll be sixpence please!
I would reply to this, but its 3:50am here in Jersey, and i'm just too tired to tell you what he really said. (He didnt tell me to shutup directly, but thats the feeling I got from his reply, to stop nagging)
06-24-2003, 02:51 AM
And yet another Update is now out.. I beat the other two guys big release
with my first "big release"... Ok, so not huge but not that small either....
* Color and titlebar theme file support
* ISO Week #s
* Multiple Date Formats
* Jump to Month/Week
* Horizontal Gradient Title Bar
* and over 20 other enhancements and fixes...
06-26-2003, 05:08 PM
1.03 adds multi-day arrows on the calendar, among other fixes and enhancements....
07-10-2003, 01:04 AM
And Version 1.04 has now been released....
It adds ClearType Support, and fixes a couple of small bugs...
The Month View with the most usable data displayed per date, looks
really good in Cleartype!!!
So Does the Week View....
and now you can download Theme files right from the site to customize Ulti-Planner!!!
07-22-2003, 03:03 PM
Get it Now, for a limited time at just $14.95!!!
And remember FREE upgrades for all 1.x releases,
which will all be very significant !!!!
07-25-2003, 03:42 AM
We have now released Version 1.05... We are definitely catching up VERY QUICKLY!!!
Version 1.05 is another Major Release with a Minor Name.... It includes A Fast Search Screen, Status Coloring, Task sorting by Completion and Sensitivity, Font Size Settings, and more...
Get it now for only 14.95!!!!
Oh, Reviewers drop us an email if you are interested in doing a review....
08-14-2003, 07:55 PM
Version 1.06 is out. It is basically a maintenance release before we get
to a ton of new features.. It fixes a lockup problem a few people may have hit in the contact or task list, and also allows overdue tasks to be turned red..... About 8 other fixes and small rewrites are also included.....
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