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View Full Version : Moving programs to CF Card

06-03-2003, 06:42 PM
I just bought a 256mb CF card for my Dell Axim and I'm wondering if it is worthwhile to move some of the programs from the built-in storage area over to the card. Are there any speed considerations, etc. that I should take into account? Also, short of removing the program and reinstalling to the CF card, is there an easy way to moving the applications over? I'm thinking that with the registry, copying programs to a different location would be as successful as it is with desktop Windows (not!) :pukeface:

Any tips/advice are appreciated.


06-03-2003, 07:38 PM
You should keep any programs that are constantly running (i.e. task switcher or Today plugin) in your internal memory. But other programs (i.e. games and other utilities) will work fine on the storage card. And you thought correctly that you should uninstall and then reinstall to keep everything clean.

06-03-2003, 09:17 PM
I always installed all "not so often used" programs to SD/MMC/SD-card earlier, but i stopped doing it, because i caused a major slowdown of the device.

More specific: the programs runs ok. But it takes quite a while before the startmenu (or folders on it in my case) fetches the applications icon. Especially for games (often use hi-color icons). The more shortcuts in one folder (ie "Games"), the longer time before the shell gets all the icons, and i actually can tap on it and launch the application.

06-03-2003, 09:33 PM
You're saying there's a lag before the shortcuts (not the real program icons) show up? Just sounds strange. If your keeping shortcuts in your folder it should be quick... I'm interested, as I'm about to get a SD-card for my iPaq 1915.


06-03-2003, 09:51 PM
You're saying there's a lag before the shortcuts (not the real program icons) show up?
Yup thats what im saying. At least it makes bringing up those folders (again ie "games) a pain on my device. I dont believe this is device specific, but it would be interesting to hear others experience with this.
And yes, i talk about the shortcuts (lnk) not exe files. (Canot change icons on links in PPCos - if we could it would be relatively easy to evade by simply reassigning the icon to some ico/dll in internal ram.

06-03-2003, 10:57 PM
Yup thats what im saying.Bummer :( . I thought that was what you meant, but hoped it wasn't...


06-04-2003, 01:57 PM
I just bought a 256mb CF card for my Dell Axim and I'm wondering if it is worthwhile to move some of the programs from the built-in storage area over to the card. Are there any speed considerations, etc. that I should take into account? Also, short of removing the program and reinstalling to the CF card, is there an easy way to moving the applications over? I'm thinking that with the registry, copying programs to a different location would be as successful as it is with desktop Windows (not!)

Actually I think it is more common to put applications on SD cards, hence leaving your CF slot open for appliances (uh, the word appliances kinda remind me of an ironing machine) ...