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View Full Version : Review - Replay Radio 3.0 from Applian

05-31-2003, 02:45 PM
Replay Radio is an application designed to capture internet streaming audio, and reprocess it into a conveniently portable form--perfect for providing music, news, and talk to mobile device users.

Available online are thousands of streaming audio stations, ranging from talk to techno. If you listen to music, you can always benefit from exposure to new material; if you don't, there are still myriad possibilities to be found in internet radio. (Your Moment of Zen: the big buzzword associated with radio broadcasting, when it got going in the early part of the last century, was 'wireless'.) With so much to offer, being able to save your preferred programming on your personal machine for convenient listening becomes simple common sense.

Replay Radio comes in two parts: a desktop application that does the recording, and PocketPC player designed for playing back long audio segments. These sell independently, the desktop software for $30, the PPC player for $20. Fear not though, you don't actually need the PocketPC player if you don't want it--it's strictly a convenience. Any MP3 player will do, including Palms and stand-alone ones such as the iPod.

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