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View Full Version : New User ActiveSync Issue

05-27-2003, 07:46 PM
I recently received a 3955 and am having some issues getting ActiveSync to woprk properly.

Condition: I want to connect to a laptop (Compaq Armada) at work that sits in a docking station. My Serial port is clear, but ActiveSync says it is unavailable. When I tried a reboot I occassionally get an "Available" status. However, when I insert the cable and try "Get Connected" AS once again tells me the port is unavailable.

I have downloaded the lastest version of AS (3.7).
I have tried soft resets, Hard resets.

Bad cradle?? It actually seemed to work (It did sync data) when the computer was not in the docking station. However, appointments don't show up on the calendar, but they do show up on the "Today" screen.

Docking Station Issue?? My Palm Vx worked just fine yesterday.

Net, I'm running out of ideas fast, so any help is greatly approeciated. My apologies if this has been posted before. I did search for the topics but didn't find quite the same thing.

Thanks again,


Janak Parekh
05-28-2003, 06:50 PM
Do you still have the Palm HotSync software installed and running in the tray? If so, it'll "eat" up the serial port.


05-28-2003, 10:22 PM
Well, I stumped our help desk as well. The best bet is that somwhere along the way the USB port went out and that the serial port is iffy. With the right configuration (jiggle, jiggle, jiggle) the serial port can work. A new docking station has been orderd.

Janek, Thanks for your reply. I did shut down the Hotsink, but that did throw me for a while as well.

I still have another issue related to meetings not showing up in Calendar (They do show up in "Today") I think this is related to my admin staff not entering categories when meetings are entered into Outlook. Is there a way to make sure meetings show up in Calendar even without a category entry? A dummy category perhaps? I'm testing a space entry as a category, but I don't think that's working.

Thanks again. I found this site a few months ago doing some research for a family member. Reading all the great stuff and seeing a friendly environmetn was a big plus in my decision to take the plunge. This is really the best site I've found and you all should be very proud. It's often easy to let a site go into a slamfest. You've done a great job (as have the members) keeping it very positive.