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View Full Version : Anyone use Writeshields?

05-23-2003, 07:54 PM
Could you pleeaaase help me?
I urm....lost the instructions....my shield on got dust underneath, so I've removed it and cleaned it, but cant for the life of me remember how to reapply it, I think it involved sticky tape!
If anyone can give me a quick rundown then I'd be MOST appreciative.



(feeling very :oops: )

05-23-2003, 08:42 PM
I understand they recommend using tape to make sure the sticky side of the protector doesn't have any dust.

Other than that - just make sure the screen is dust free and just put it on slowly - you can use a credit card to smooth out any bubbles.

05-23-2003, 10:47 PM
Quoting from my WriteSHIELD Instructions:
- Place the Writeshield 'clingy' side up, on a clean, dry surface.
- Cut 4-5 pieces of scotch tape, approx 4" long. Apply the strips vertically to the 'clingy' side of the Writeshield, overlapping them as you go. You will want to overlap the top edge of the Writeshield with the extra inch of tape, creating a lip. This will create a tab with which you can easily remove the tape.
- Once the entire Writeshield is covered, turn it over and fold over the excess tap at the top edge to form a tab to remove the tape.
End Quote.

You then install as if the Writeshield is new, except you peel back the layer of scotch tape as if it were the backing the Writeshield originally came with. Make sure your screen is clean and be careful not to let the scotch tape touch your screen, it will leave a residue.

Hope this helps. Good Luck.

05-23-2003, 11:51 PM
Your both great!!!! Thanks to you both.....my Ipaq now has a nice washed clean WriteShield on it....could do with a new one but so strapped for cash I can make this last another 3 weeks until payday!

As you can tell...I really haven't posted much here, but I visit this site daily and it IS the best forum in the world. Everyone is friendly, VERY helpful and your not banned for smilies
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks PPCThoughts!


05-27-2003, 11:08 PM
Writeshields are awesome.......as for the bubbles........THERE ARE NONE!!! :D I couldnt believe it, i just layed it on, and it went right on without any bubbles. Just make sure you apply them in a dust free area, that way you wont have to take them off again and clean them. That is a little tougher, but a little scotch tape does the job. :D