05-23-2003, 06:46 PM
Print from your Pocket PC to the growing installed base of printers at major hotels brands throughout North America with PrinterOn’ lastest version of PocketWhere (2.3). Now simplified mobile printing is available with or without a PrinterOn membership to conveniently print to printers located in hotels as well as printers in public hotspots locations. PocketWhere has also been developed to meet the stringent criteria of Microsoft’s “Mobile2 Market” certification program (and is currently in certification).
Are you’re a Microsoft MVP? Contact Kara Stevens ([email protected]) for details on PrinterOn’s MVP beta product testing program for future PDA application releases and for free product membership.
Are you’re a Microsoft MVP? Contact Kara Stevens ([email protected]) for details on PrinterOn’s MVP beta product testing program for future PDA application releases and for free product membership.