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View Full Version : ezwap settings for t-mobile?

05-23-2003, 01:36 PM
anyone know the settings for t-mobile to access the mms service. i'm looking for settings to use mms with gprs, csd and even the t=mobile wap number. i know the mms server but not sure what to input for the apn dns and push server settings. should i be using the wap server settings i have seen or my own isp's settings. i seem to connect fine using my isp, gprs and the t-mobile t-zone numbesr but the ezwap settings are wrong. thanks in advance. crash

05-23-2003, 06:30 PM
anyone know the settings for t-mobile to access the mms service. i'm looking for settings to use mms with gprs, csd and even the t=mobile wap number. i know the mms server but not sure what to input for the apn dns and push server settings. should i be using the wap server settings i have seen or my own isp's settings. i seem to connect fine using my isp, gprs and the t-mobile t-zone numbesr but the ezwap settings are wrong. thanks in advance. crash

Check out this discussion over at Passion.

05-24-2003, 12:29 AM
i can now browse the internet with these settings but i fail sending the mms message. here is the setting if anyone else needs.

#1) Create a new connection with wap.voicestream.com as the APN

#2) EXWap settings:
General Tab:
Connection - WAP
Connect Automatically - Checked
Home Page - wap.myvoicestream.com

Connection Tab:
Connection tyoe - Gateway
Address -
Port - 9200
Connectionless gateway - Unchecked
WTLS secured connection - Unchecked

Push Tab:
Enable Puch - Checked
Connection Type:
Address -
Port - 2948
Connectionless push gateway - Checked
WTLS secured connection - Unchecked

MMS Tab:
Message Server -
Sender Address Type: Phone Number
Sender Address - +1(10 digit mobile number)

MMS Option:
Message Expiry: Max
Delivery Report - Checked
Read report - Checked
Hide Sender - Unchecked

i'm wondering if the 175 in the push gateway is a typo. i've tried both 165 and 175 so there is still something else i'm missing. thanks for the info.

05-24-2003, 04:10 AM
i can now browse the internet with these settings but i fail sending the mms message. here is the setting if anyone else needs.

Port - 9200

i'm wondering if the 175 in the push gateway is a typo. i've tried both 165 and 175 so there is still something else i'm missing. thanks for the info.

Try changing Port 9200 to 9201 that did it for me.