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View Full Version : what kind of ram i must to buy ?

05-22-2003, 11:43 AM
i have ipaq 3970, and 64 ram,

i dont know what type of ram i must to buy,


05-22-2003, 12:11 PM
dont know what type of ram i must to buy
Generally speaking you don't ever buy RAM because it is built-in unless you go to a specialist to have your RAM upgraded which involves opening the case and voiding the warrenty.

What you PROBABLY want is flash memory cards. The iPAQ 3970 uses SD expansion cards (supports SD Memory cards and SDIO) so you will either need to purchase SD Memory cards or buy one of the sleeves available for the device that lets you use other formats such as CompactFlash (CF) which is generally cheaper $/MB.

05-22-2003, 02:23 PM
If you really want a RAM upgrade PocketPCTechs (http://www.pocketpctechs.com/i3900up.asp) offer to do them. Although this means you have to ship your device over them..

If you just want more space for applications/games/mp3 an SD-card will do just fine!