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View Full Version : Running RPG games on Pocket PC

05-17-2003, 07:40 PM
I was browsing online for a few good RPG games(on a sidenote, anybody care to recommend me some titles besides Everquest; P.S. I really like the concept of 'Buglord') when I realise that many of those titles require around 20++mb of 'Program Memory' to execute.

Then I figure(well, for my unit anyway), at anytime I've only around 26mb of 'Program Memory' available, thus if I wanna run the RPG games, that's the only application I can run & without any other application running in the background!

Unless, like what the 'Memory' panel has mentioned, 'Memory is managed automatically'. Even so, what if I've run out of 'Storage Memory'?

I mean, is it meant to be like this? That if one wants to run a RPG game, one can only run that RPG application & NO other application in the background?

Jake K
05-17-2003, 11:40 PM
Why would you want/need to run any other app in the background???

Kati Compton
05-17-2003, 11:43 PM
Sometimes it's nice to leave open Pocket Informant, a password program, etc, so that the interface is right where you want it, and you don't want to wait...