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View Full Version : Yet another ActiveSync request for assistance

05-16-2003, 02:00 PM
I have read in the discussion forums about ActiveSync problems and I have never had any significant problems. The biggest issue was when I got my new HP laptop and the device would now longer sync when its battery way low. I have learned to live with this behaviour, and just the other day I purchased a powered USB hub.

The problem I am now experiencing is “Attention required” associated with Information Type of Files. I have searched the Help file, and it contains no mention of the word “attention”, other than Connecting using a modem, which I am not doing.

I have gone into Options and removed the selection on “Files” from the synchronization list, synchronized, and then re-selected. I still get the Attention required status. The message I get when I attempt to “Resolve items…” is the following:

“Items of one or more information types cannot be synchronized. Disconnect and reconnect your device.

To view all error messages and dialogue boxes that require your input, you must connect to this computer via infrared or serial/USB cable.”

I am connected to this computer via USB, I have disconnected, and reconnected may times.

I need some advice and guidance on solving this problem, before I through the iPAQ in the garbage.

I have just installed version 3.7 and am getting the same problem.

05-16-2003, 02:23 PM
By all means, don't throw the iPaq in the garbage!!
(if nothing else, ship it to me... ;) )

Can you see the ActiveSync window on the desktop (or laptop) when you're first syncing?
If so, do you see different categories that are syncing?
If so (this sounds like a choose your own adventure... if you can see the ActiveSync window, go to page 62) which category is it messing up on? Do any of the categories (and again, I'm talking about things like "Inbox", "Notes", "Calendar") end up with a status of "Synchronized"?

That might help narrow down the problem.
Also, I don't think it's a problem with "Information Files", but rather it's saying that it's having trouble synchronizing some calendar information, or notes information, etc.. so I can see why turning off file sync didn't make a difference..

Jason Dunn
05-16-2003, 04:37 PM
The only way to isolate the problem is to move the data out, let it "clear", then move the data back in, one piece at a time. This applies to files, email messages, tasks, etc.

05-16-2003, 06:22 PM
I have this problem from time to time when I try to sync a Word document with tables in it, or when I have filled up my space on my storage card. FYI. YMMV. :)

05-20-2003, 05:13 PM
Thanks everyone for the advice. This morning when I plugged in my iPAQ, I got four messages about files that couldn’t be sync-ed. I deleted the files, and everything works fine now. I have no idea as to why this time I got the detailed file messages, rather than the single message I got before. The only thing I can think of, is that the battery was fully charged before the sync this morning.