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05-15-2003, 02:10 PM
I have a problem which i hope someone can fix, i have a microsoft bluetooth mouse kit on my PC which i would love to connect to my bluetooth Toshiba e740 and 8910i. I believe that the problem is that the microsoft bluetooth adapter for the PC doesn't support a com port connections? If this is true does anyone know if microsoft is working on fix or is there a work around?

My computer can see the devices but can't see all the services they have to offer.

many thanks to anyone who can help me :D

05-15-2003, 03:31 PM
Unless things have changed since the Microsoft keyboard came out, I think you're screwed. The MS adaptor doesn't support the profiles you need for other devices and the MS keyboard can't be used with other adaptors.

The worst thing is that AFAIK you can't have more than one Bluetooth adaptor on your PC, so now you can't use any other Bluetooth devices unless you ditch the keyboard.

Yeah, I know... ridiculous. :roll: Hopefully, someone will correct me and say it's all sorted out now.

05-15-2003, 04:12 PM
that seems a tad sh*tty, shouldn't really be called a bluetooth adapter if it can't talk to all bluetooth devices!!!! so there is no work around or 3rd party patch to fix the problem

Post edited by moderator 5/15/03 11:15 for language.

Jason Dunn
05-15-2003, 04:33 PM
From everything I've heard about the Microsoft mouse + keyboard, that's all it does: mouse + keyboard. Another sucky Bluetooth implementation that makes things hard for consumers... :evil:

05-15-2003, 05:04 PM
Does anyone make a keyboard or mouse that work with a "standard" Bluetooth adaptor?

I'm using a Microsoft wireless mouse at the moment. No complaints about it but it'd be nice to ditch the huge USB adaptor and use my Vaio's built-in Bluetooth for a wireless mouse.

Answering my own question (mice only):
Logitech do a nice wireless (but not BT) mouse (http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm?page=products/details&CRID=3&CONTENTID=4999&countryid=18&languageid=1) and a strange looking Bluetooth "presenter / mouse" (http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm?page=products/details&CRID=3&CONTENTID=4981&countryid=18&languageid=1). Yuk!

Cellink (http://cellink.com.tw/html/blue%20mouse.htm) do one. I don't think it's available yet.
Acer (http://www.chinawlan.net/articleDetail.asp?CatID=91&NewsID=1904) are rumoured to be making one.
There's a rumour about Apple (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?threadid=25739) too.

05-15-2003, 07:47 PM
From everything I've heard about the Microsoft mouse + keyboard, that's all it does: mouse + keyboard. Another sucky Bluetooth implementation that makes things hard for consumers... :evil:

The Microsoft "Bluetooth implementation" itself is ok but MSFT BT Desktop Solution has selective profiles and supports Windows XP only. It's a Microsoft thing.

05-15-2003, 08:09 PM
Microsoft: CE .NET 4.2 Solves Compatibility Issues
API extensions help application portability without recompiling
May 15, 2003:...."Also enhanced are Bluetooth capabilities, with the addition of Bluetooth network and modem gateway features, Bluetooth keyboard and mouse input, and integration with the Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR) Bluetooth chip set.".....

Microsoft Windows XP SP2 due in late 2003