05-13-2003, 09:53 AM
Hi all,
im new of this forum.
i have just installed an USB dongle BT from billionton on a desktop w2k and a CF BT, always billionton, on a ipaq 3950 with GPS Navman 3000 sleeve (with Cf slot).
All seem to work fine: Obex FT, network, web surfing with a gprs with either desktop and ipaq but the problem is the velocity(?); the OBEX file transfer from desktop to ipaq wotk at 9kbs, the network is very slow too, the ping from desktop to ipaq is average 80ms :) I cant believe that these are the normal performance for this cheap BT device.
Please, what can i check in the configuration ??
May be the navman3000 sleeve the problem ??
The desktop driver version is, BT for windows CE say version 1.3.1 build 46 but, under advanced, the dll version is
Many thanks in advanced, Jo
im new of this forum.
i have just installed an USB dongle BT from billionton on a desktop w2k and a CF BT, always billionton, on a ipaq 3950 with GPS Navman 3000 sleeve (with Cf slot).
All seem to work fine: Obex FT, network, web surfing with a gprs with either desktop and ipaq but the problem is the velocity(?); the OBEX file transfer from desktop to ipaq wotk at 9kbs, the network is very slow too, the ping from desktop to ipaq is average 80ms :) I cant believe that these are the normal performance for this cheap BT device.
Please, what can i check in the configuration ??
May be the navman3000 sleeve the problem ??
The desktop driver version is, BT for windows CE say version 1.3.1 build 46 but, under advanced, the dll version is
Many thanks in advanced, Jo