05-12-2003, 09:45 PM
I just realized something dramatic.... I always fool around with the Ipaq's on display at work and noticed that they all seemed just a second faster in the responses to my stylus than my 5450 did. I tried all kinds of things to get my 5450 to repsond at the same speed. I epsecially noticed a difference when i went into my programs or my settings.. always got the little circle... then today i discovered something.....
I sat my ipaq in the cradle and let it sync... after a few seconds i decided to check a file on my ipaq and BOOM... WOW :mrgreen: fast....
... I tried it again... thinking that i must have just imgined that.. BOOM fast... i thought well maybe it's because i have no programs running in the background.. checked that... NOPE.. had file explorer.. notes... calender.. and pocket tv all open!!! 0X I then kept fooling around with the unit and discovered that it in every circumstance it repsonded with lightening speed to all my commands..... WHEN PLUGGED IN TO AC that is....
If anyone can try this and tell me if they experience the same thing i would be most aprreciative... I hope there is a way to get it to respond that fast all the time
I sat my ipaq in the cradle and let it sync... after a few seconds i decided to check a file on my ipaq and BOOM... WOW :mrgreen: fast....
... I tried it again... thinking that i must have just imgined that.. BOOM fast... i thought well maybe it's because i have no programs running in the background.. checked that... NOPE.. had file explorer.. notes... calender.. and pocket tv all open!!! 0X I then kept fooling around with the unit and discovered that it in every circumstance it repsonded with lightening speed to all my commands..... WHEN PLUGGED IN TO AC that is....
If anyone can try this and tell me if they experience the same thing i would be most aprreciative... I hope there is a way to get it to respond that fast all the time