05-09-2003, 02:56 PM
Newbie questions:
I did a search on "FMI" and couldn't find anything. Here (http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=295106&pfp=home&cm_vn=cusa_4_28_03&cm_cat=Networking&cm_pla=hpf2&cm_ite=295106#checkstore) is the CompUSA deal.
Anyone has experience with this manufacturer?
I have a Netgear Cable router. Can I link this FMI router with my existing router?
I have a MA701. Any reason this router wouldn't work with MA701.
Thanks a bunch!
I did a search on "FMI" and couldn't find anything. Here (http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=295106&pfp=home&cm_vn=cusa_4_28_03&cm_cat=Networking&cm_pla=hpf2&cm_ite=295106#checkstore) is the CompUSA deal.
Anyone has experience with this manufacturer?
I have a Netgear Cable router. Can I link this FMI router with my existing router?
I have a MA701. Any reason this router wouldn't work with MA701.
Thanks a bunch!