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View Full Version : Sandisk 1GB CF Card for $176.99 at Amazon.com, no rebates

05-06-2003, 09:41 PM
Sandisk 1GB CF Card (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00006AE3K/qid=1052253585/sr=1-10/ref=sr_1_10/102-1944447-0640937?v=glance&s=electronics)

05-07-2003, 12:40 AM
Axim buyers beware. I had one of these and it totally failed. At first it kept requiring reformats and all data would go bye-bye. Finally it failed altogether and the Axim wouldn't even see the card. There is a large thread on card failures on the Dell message boards. Many involve SanDisk SD cards as well as CF cards. All I know is my SanDisk 1GB card died and my Viking card works great.

05-07-2003, 04:14 AM

Sorry to hear about your experience with the SanDisk card. I actually have both a Viking and SanDisk CF card and both work fine. I also have an IBM MicroDrive which works with no issues either.

Hopefully they come up with a fix/solution soon. It really should not be the case that I have to choose a certain brand CF card to get it to work with my PPC. Afterall, it's just media.

05-07-2003, 01:27 PM
Alternative .... Viking CF 1 GB card (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000083DY0/korovamultimediaA), $205 after mail-in rebate, free shipping.

I've had a Viking CF card for > 6 months, no problems, no errors, no complaints.

05-07-2003, 05:40 PM
There is now also a $20 rebate which drops it to $156.99

05-08-2003, 03:59 AM
It is just totally unfair that your northern neighbors cannot take andvantage of such a good offer! Amazon used to deliver to Canada, via "Borderless", but then they suddenly stopped.

It makes me so angry. We are so close, why isn't it possible to ship to Canada? I'll pay for customs, and the taxes, and shipping. What then makes it so difficult??

*grumble mumble grumble mumble*

Karin :(