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View Full Version : assetviewer shows empty serial tag after rom update 3970

05-06-2003, 03:06 PM
Hello all,

First of all thanx for this site learned a lot so far ;)

Now i have this 3970 ipaq bought last week. After a lot of surfing on the internet (new in mobile land so..) i found out that the 2.10 version is not as fast and stable as the 2.00 version. So i found the 2.00 version and did an update (yes you read well) from 2.10 to 2.00.
Now everything went smooth and so, but after this when i visit my asset viewer there is no serialnr anymore ? How come ?
Me and my thoughts desided when i put back the backup (withs is made by the upgrade) it will be okay afterworths...
But unfortunally it's not. So here i am with a new ipaq 3970, with the original rom 2.10 on it and no serial number in the asset viewer.

Any suggestions? idea's ? and eh is this a problem or shouldn't i worry bout it ?

Thanx in advance


05-06-2003, 05:19 PM
It's a problem, how much depends on how you'll use your PPC. My guess is some software you purchase will not run on your iPAQ. Most likely Nevo will not let you download and install updates from there site. Other programs that depend on your device being unique will not work. Reader should not activate.

I think you'll need to return it to HP to have it serviced. Hp will not want info on how to change the serial number out.


05-06-2003, 05:33 PM
Well thanx for the reply, i had contact with compaq (netherlands) and they told my its no problem, they also assured that with new software or software not registered yet.
So after your reply i think i sould check if nevo will work and for example my (not yet registered reader).
I will keep progresses posted ;)

05-06-2003, 05:46 PM
The basic built in Nevo should work, if you have problems it will be when you try to add downloaded codes, or new devices. I don't think you'll be able to.

With MS Reader you should not be able to Activate it. Again I think the simple things will work. You should only have problems with lit files that need an Activated Reader.

Perhaps one of the developers will say what will happen with there sofware and a device without a serial number. I'm sure some will work find, they don't depend on a serial number. Others I think will refuse to run.


05-06-2003, 06:02 PM
Well to nevo i had that registered when the serial was still there (before the upgrade (or better say downgrade) there is no problem with the app that works, the only thing is that he don't see that activesync is running when i download a file (can downlaod then manualy).
The reader same story. just activated that also with no problems ;)
Maybe to be sure i must send the ipaq back ? or is that a to big step for this (what compaq says 'no problem')

05-06-2003, 06:21 PM
Hmm, if you can do that, then it sounds almost as if you still have a serial number, but for what ever reason Your iPAQ is not displaying it.

If you download peacmaker from here will it generate a code to register for you?


05-06-2003, 06:51 PM
downloaded and installed ;) works (via contacts ? i think) to beam etc but that you should know ;)
Further for registration or else ? i don't get a screen or something that says not registered ? don't know presisly what you need now ;) but it seems up and running also

05-06-2003, 07:45 PM
It should run for 30 days or so. But if you just start it you should see info you ned to send in to order it. There will be a number you send to them with your payment. As I understand it that number is based on your serial number and name. If you don't have one I'm thinking the number will be invald, or not generated. This is software that is locked to your iPAQ and will not run on someones else iPAQ even if it is the same as yours. When you start Peacemaker Pro you should get prompted with a registration screen, and a code to send in. If I delete my owner info I get an error message.


05-06-2003, 08:08 PM
Thanx first of all for all the help ;)
I was downlaoding the personal edition thats why it runs ;) But now i tried the prof version and looks okee to there is indeed a id nr that i sould send when i register and pay, don't need the program i think but looks like there's really no problem at all.
If so i still remain curieus why the serial is not showing in the assetviewer.
Is there maybe a way that i can look for or should i leave it and accept this empty serial ;)