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View Full Version : Mobile2Market Q&A with Microsoft's Mark Spain

Jason Dunn
05-02-2003, 06:00 PM
When I was at the MVP Summit earlier this year, we were given a presentation on some of Microsoft's efforts around application certification. Mark Spain, a Microsoft Director of Mobile Devices, gave a presentation on the <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/mobile2market">Mobile2Market program</a> at the recent Mobius Europe 2003 event I attended recently. Microsoft has recently been pushing the importance of application certification and <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/developer/downloads/default.asp">application development</a>. I wanted to dig a little deeper into how the program worked and understand the advantages of why a developer should use it, so Mark agreed to answer a short series of questions.<br /><br /><i><b>PPCT:</b> What are the primary goals of the Mobile2Market program, and how are they being achieved?</i><br /><br /><b>Mark:</b> Mobile2Market focuses on connecting commercial Independent Software Vendors to mobile operators who are seeking well-behaved, high-quality applications for their customers. By working with Mobile2Market partners, the program provides ISVs with development tools, a logo certification process, and a new, unprecedented channel for <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/catalog">marketing applications to mobile operators.</a> The program gives ISVs access to new market opportunities and ultimately strengthens the market for mobile applications.<br /><!><br /><i><b>PPCT:</b> If I were a software developer with a non-certified application, what are the best reasons for me to get my application certified? What makes it worth the effort?</i><br /><br /><b>Mark:</b> Each mobile operator requires unique, comprehensive testing before allowing mobile applications to run on its network. Mobile2Market’s logo certification program standardizes base-level testing requirements across multiple operators -- accelerating ISVs’ time-to-market.<br /><br /><i><b>PPCT:</b> The advantages for enterprise-level developers are clear, but are there benefits for smaller developers who are making low-cost games or utilities?</i><br /><br /><b>Mark:</b> The opportunity for broad market reach is especially important for smaller developers. Mobile2Market logo certification program maximizes that reach while minimizing the steps required by the operator partner.<br /><br /><i><b>PPCT:</b> If application certification is so important, why is it so hard to find certified applications in stores like Handango and PocketGear? Certified applications are mixed in with freeware and shareware applications, and as a consumer it's hard to see which applications bear the mark of quality that a certification logo represents. Is Microsoft doing anything in this space to encourage software vendors to highlight certified applications?</i><br /><br /><b>Mark: </b>Mobile2Market is a relatively new program – so we understand that logo-certified applications currently represent a small percentage of the universe of available applications. But there is demand for logo-certified applications that are compatible and meet basic behavioural requirements. We are working with our Mobile2Market partners (Handango and Cellmania), who understand the value of logo-certified applications, to differentiate them from other applications. And the new <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/catalog">Mobile Application Catalog</a> makes it incredibly simple to find logo-certified applications. <br /><br /><i><b>PPCT:</b> The Mobile Application Catalog is described as a "marketing channel that promotes certified applications to mobile operators worldwide". What does this mean in practical terms – will carriers like AT&T be looking to this catalog to populate their branded Handango stores? What are the advantages of being listed in this catalog?</i><br /><br /><b>Mark:</b> Mobile Operators can work with a Mobile2Market aggregating partner (e.g., Handango, Cellmania) to create a white-labelled application commerce portal or they can work directly with Mobile2Market enabling partner (e.g. DAT, ActionEngine) to build an end-to-end solution. In both cases, mobile operators look to the Mobile Application Catalog as the one-stop-shop for innovative and compatible applications to source their stores.

05-02-2003, 08:48 PM
If PPC Media PLayer was to get this application certification, it would certainly fail on the first pass due to "its bad behaviour" :wink:

MS should get its applications right first before trying to get third party applications right :D

05-03-2003, 03:17 AM
Great article Jason; just completed the certification process for the first time myself this week. You asked many of the same questions I had. After reading the answers you received I'm still not sure I fully appreciate all the benefits... but maybe I am just being dense, I don't know. I wonder if most users would prefer to see logo certification, or prefer that an application include some of the non-approved items like a way to close the program, help that is available outside of "start-help", a "File" menu, etc.. Personally I never think to look at Start-Help for help, and I like a way to close a program without a task switcher or ctrl-q, but I certainly see the appeal of logo certification.

Mike B.

05-09-2003, 12:18 AM
One of the main benifits of the windows certification is that you can put the logo on the products box, or in the Designed for XP logo program on the actual computer. You cant do this with Win CE apps.

Jason Dunn
05-09-2003, 03:12 AM
One of the main benifits of the windows certification is that you can put the logo on the products box, or in the Designed for XP logo program on the actual computer. You cant do this with Win CE apps.

But you can display the logo on your product listing page. The real problem as I see it is that Handango and PocketGear don't highlight the certified applications enough - they should be the first ones coming up in the search results...