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View Full Version : Rumours of PocketPC 2003 upgrade for 5400 and 3900

04-22-2003, 03:48 PM
It's only a rumour but Pocket PC Italia do seem to announce stuff early and be fairly accurate. Here's what they have to say in Italian (http://www.pocketpcitalia.com/cms3/templates/PPC-NEWS.ASP?articleid=305&zoneid=1).

A rough translation via Babelfish is:
HP will make available an update to Pocket PC 2003 for iPAQ 3900 series and 5400 series in all languages including Italian. For the 3800 series the update will be only available in English. The timescale is still not known.

I'd have guessed that at least the 5450 would be updated. As for the timescale, how long did it take for the PocketPC 2002 update for iPAQs last time round? Long enough for most of us drooling tech-junkies to have rushed out and bought the new hardware already...

04-23-2003, 03:16 PM
I heard about it and my 3970 can't wait! :wink: