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View Full Version : New Icbar version released!

04-20-2003, 06:56 PM
Hello People!

First, Happy Birthday Dad!
Second, Icbar v1.1 Beta1 is out!

21 April 2003 v1.1 Beta 1
Hidden tasks will now always minimise from the bar (Close All/Close Inactive), and close from the Icbar menu (X). This way, you won't be killing activesync (and others) when you don't really want to.
Added skinning of Menu Bar (bottom bar) with code from Marcello (PocketDict).
Added ClearType text to the bar application, all but the Icbar menu now has the option to enable/disable cleartype. Icbar Menu ClearType disable option will come later.
Fixed bug, Icbar can now close Windows Media Player (WMP) while it is playing a media file (like it once did before).
Fixed Icbar Menu freeze when Activesync syncing.
Fixed Icbar Setup delayed launch when Activesync is running.
Fixed Icbar volume/mute icon update bug when changing volume state with 3rd party app.
Added Tapn'Hold Close function to 'Running Task' icons. Another request from another Wayne.
Added list of running tasks to the 'Hide' dialog for easy selection of difficult task names e.g. names with special symbols (TradeMark etc). There is a known bug with this feature. Occasionally the list will be incomplete or empty. For the moment, just close and open the drop-down menu.
Fixed long standing Calculator title bug. The Calculator now appears in the Icbar Menu too.

Icbar.ictinus.com (http://icbar.ictinus.com/) :D

04-20-2003, 10:11 PM
Thanks! I just switched from Pelmar's Wisbar and I am pleased with the additional flexibility of configuring tap and tap&hold commands for all the buttons. So far so good with the new release. :way to go: