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04-20-2003, 12:43 AM
"When is Windows CE not Windows CE? When it's part of Pocket PC, it seems..."

Read more at:


04-20-2003, 04:50 PM
Yeah, we can just put Pocket PC OS innovation on the ignore list. IMHO this is why any promise of Pocket PC 2003 is underwhelming.

04-20-2003, 07:54 PM
Yeah, we can just put Pocket PC OS innovation on the ignore list. IMHO this is why any promise of Pocket PC 2003 is underwhelming.

Now that's an interesting premise - and one not necessarily without merit. Will be interesting to see what comes forth huh?

Sven Johannsen
04-20-2003, 11:31 PM
Good thing we got that out in the open. Glad it came from the Register, that bastion of integrity and unbiased reporting :).

I would certainly look forward to programming apps in an environment where the PPC team has liscense to muck with the CE kernal, and then the OEMs have liscense to muck with the mucking. Wouldn't it be nice to have to buy the apps for your DELL only from Dell because they have made the core OS so much better that standard compiles won't run.

04-21-2003, 03:47 AM
Good thing we got that out in the open. Glad it came from the Register, that bastion of integrity and unbiased reporting :).

I would certainly look forward to programming apps in an environment where the PPC team has liscense to muck with the CE kernal, and then the OEMs have liscense to muck with the mucking. Wouldn't it be nice to have to buy the apps for your DELL only from Dell because they have made the core OS so much better that standard compiles won't run.


Wow that would be hell if it ever happened...

This actually reminds me about some Palm users who claim that Windows CE is confusing because there are so many versions of it available...

It's actually a good move to keep Pocket PC out of it.... evven if it is running Windows CE...

As for that line in DrtyBlvd's post "when is Windows CE not Windows CE???" Well that is misleading... Pocket PC is running on Windows CE... so what is being sold to the OEMs is the Package already... not the core... for those who want the core... well definitely they won't be getting the Pocket PC Package... :D

04-21-2003, 09:15 AM
As for that line in DrtyBlvd's post "when is Windows CE not Windows CE???" Well that is misleading...

Not my intention to mislead - just copied the title from the Reg. :)

04-21-2003, 04:36 PM
Microsoft building one OS as a shell on top of another is not really new - Win95 and Win98 were essentially shells on top of DOS.

Win2k was built on the core of WinNT.

It would take them an inordinate amount of time to re-code a whole OS for every version they want to put out.

I wouldn't be surprised if the WinCE core did change a bit for PPC2003 to allow for some new features. In the next version there probably will be even more ..etc.

They may already be coding a new core OS for 2004 or 2005!