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View Full Version : iPAQ 1910 receive problem - baffled with reply from HP

04-11-2003, 11:03 AM
Hello all :)
I am a recent PPC convert from Palm and have just found PPCT. I wonder if I might get some opinions from you, as I'm a little baffled with a response I got from HP over an issue. The problem I have been having is that I am unable to receive beamed contacts from another PPC. The funny thing is, I receive them just fine from Palm and Zaurus users! Here was my submission to HP support:
HP iPAQ 1910: I am unable to receive contacts beamed from any other PocketPC. The other PocketPC says that it has completed the beam, but nothing happens on my machine. The contact is NOT added. I have verified that I have "Receive all incoming beams..." selected in Settings/Beam. The weird thing is, I CAN receive contacts beamed from a Palm device AND a Zaurus device. But I have tried with 3 other PocketPC's, and I cannot receive a contact. Note that I can beam a contact from my PPC to another successfully. Thanks for your help!

Their response:

Thank you for contacting HP eServices.

We would suggest that you perform a hard reset on the iPAQ.

Caution: A hard reset erases all the data stored on the iPAQ.
Before performing a hard reset, we recommend backing up your data.
Unfortunately, there is no utility provided on the 1900 for backup due, probably, to space limitations at this point of time. The program itself, looking back on prior models, eats up in excess of 250k. However, a copy of "Pocket Backup" may be obtained from the link given below.
www.sprintsoftware.com <http://www.sprintsoftware.com> Note: this address is incorrect. Sends you to a squatters page. They meant www.spritesoftware.com

Now perform a hard reset as follows:
edited for brevity

If the issue persists, we recommend that you try peacemaker software to beam contacts from the link given below:

The third-party contact information included is provided to help you find the support you need. This contact information is subject to change without notice. HP/Compaq, in no way guarantees the accuracy of this third-party contact information. For any further clarification or support, please contact the software manufacturer.

Three things bother me with this response. First, that I can receive contacts from any other PDA BUT a PPC and this wasn't addressed. Anyone have an idea on this?

Second, that I didn't receive backup software that takes a whopping 250k for space reasons. On a 64MB handheld?!? /boggle.

Third, that they are recommending third party software to do one of the most basic functions of a PDA. Receiving a beamed contact.

This response just doesn't seem right to me. Could anyone make some sugeestions, or does this problem sound familiar?

Thanks very much!

04-11-2003, 06:21 PM
Their response:

Thank you for contacting HP eServices.

We would suggest that you perform a hard reset on the iPAQ.

Caution: A hard reset erases all the data stored on the iPAQ.
Before performing a hard reset, we recommend backing up your data.
Unfortunately, there is no utility provided on the 1900 for backup due, probably, to space limitations at this point of time. The program itself, looking back on prior models, eats up in excess of 250k. However, a copy of "Pocket Backup" may be obtained from the link given below.
www.sprintsoftware.com <http://www.sprintsoftware.com> Note: this address is incorrect. Sends you to a squatters page. They meant www.spritesoftware.com

Now perform a hard reset as follows:
edited for brevity

If the issue persists, we recommend that you try peacemaker software to beam contacts from the link given below:

The third-party contact information included is provided to help you find the support you need. This contact information is subject to change without notice. HP/Compaq, in no way guarantees the accuracy of this third-party contact information. For any further clarification or support, please contact the software manufacturer.

I've contacted HP and Compaq support many times over the years, and I've never received any response even close to that. I'm sorry to say that IMHO I just don't beleive this IS a response from HP. IMHO this seems highly inconsistent with HP/Compaq support responses and I find it very hard to beleive that they would send such a reply.

Anyone else have the same feeling?

04-11-2003, 07:32 PM
Unfortunately there are bad apples in just about any support dept :cry:

I would definitely try again so you hopefully will get another support person to answer your question.

You might also want to call them... annoying as that process may be.

Chris Spera
04-11-2003, 07:50 PM
I agree that you should try again. Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch, gir... never mind. You get the point.

However, you should know that while excessively DRASTIC, a hard reset may do the trick. WindowsCE/ Pocket PC OS isn't the most stable thing, and I have noticed over the last 5-6 years of using PsPC and PPC's that the same device can function differently from hard reset to hard reset, simply based on the way changes get written to the registry.

If you installed any third party software before you started having this problem, a hard reset may resolve the problem. I'm not saying that your third party app(s) is/ are to blame; or that a hard reset is the only answer; BUT it may be the quickest way to a resolution.

I would try HP Support again; and then if you don't get any sort of resolution, the hard reset.

Now, about back up software... Who ever told you you didn't have any was obviosly not worried about drug testing that day. You DO have backup software. ActiveSync has had a backup feature since its introduction. Simply choose Tools--Backup/ Restore from the main menu bar. ActiveSync will back up the entire contents of the machine, including some files in ROM, directly from your device to your desktop.

If you hard reset, and then find you're still having the problem, you can use the ActiveSync Restore option to put things back the way they were. If things get fixed with the hard reset, I'd keep that configuration and establish a new partnership and reinstall all of your software. If things ARE NOT fixed with a hard reset, I'd return this unit as defective and then get a new 1910.

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards,

Christopher Spera

04-11-2003, 11:14 PM
Thanks very much for the replies :)

Go-Tribe...Not sure I follow you. Who else would've sent the reply? Do you mean that it sounds like it's from a 3rd party support company? Or that my post was false? I went the HP's support site and submitted my question via a web form.

Chris...You are correct about backing up, etc. Thanks very much for this info. I performed a full backup and did a hard reset as you suggested. Unfortunately, I am still not able to receive beamed contacts from other PPC users. I've tried to from 2 other co-workers, but no go.

I think I will call as you and Jacob suggested...as soon as I finish restoring my backup. I'll post with my results.

Thanks again! Sax

04-12-2003, 04:53 AM
The solution is this:

On the sending PPC, do NOT select 'Tools-->Beam'. Press and hold on the contact to beam to bring up the sub-menu, then select 'Beam Contact'.

For some reason the beaming of contacts does not work from the Tools menu!