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View Full Version : PPCPE what SD memory card do I *need*?

04-07-2003, 03:16 AM
I realize that more is good, but is it necc. better?

Is thier a point of diminishing returns?

We have two in the family and she wants her music, I don't know what I want.

How much memory in SD cards is the 'right size'?

I realize this is subjective. So far I like the T Mobile PPC PE!

Thanks all. :)

04-07-2003, 03:25 AM
We have two in the family and she wants her music, I don't know what I want.

How much memory in SD cards is the 'right size'?
The right size for memory is usually the most you can afford. :-) If you're anything like me, you'll always find ways to fill it up -- MP3s, eBooks, maps, whatever.


04-07-2003, 11:00 AM
I realize that more is good, but is it necc. better?

Is their a point of diminishing returns?

We have two in the family and she wants her music, I don't know what I want.

How much memory in SD cards is the 'right size'?

I realize this is subjective. So far I like the T Mobile PPC PE!

Thanks all. :)

Get at least a 256 MB card you can get them for around $60.00 now.
check visit: ecost.com

04-08-2003, 02:53 AM
Thanks. I will get her a 256 sd and maybe a little sump'n sump'n a tad bigger. Who has the best prices and product? Are all SD's alike in quality?

thanks again! only two days in Pocket pc, but so far it is neat!

I take it with a 256MB sd mem card I can save her music on her ppcpe. Do I need to save differently than just to /programs/whatever?

is the card like a D drive, or other designator?

thanks again again! :sleeping: sorry if I write a lot. am so full of questions!

Brad Adrian
04-08-2003, 03:26 AM
When you insert the card, your device will designate it "Storage Card" in the File Explorer. It's usually best to create a new folder called "My Documents" and put your music files there. Not all media players require that, but some do.

I don't know how much experience you have with digital music, but most modern tunes recorded at 128kps will be around 2-3 MB each; if you convert them to Windows Media format, they'll be considerably smaller.

Have fun!

04-08-2003, 08:29 AM
Thanks. I will get her a 256 sd and maybe a little sump'n sump'n a tad bigger. Who has the best prices and product? Are all SD's alike in quality?

Some people have had bad experiences with SanDisk cards. My 256 MB card has been OK as far as I know, but my 128 MB card had some problems.

As for prices, check out a price comparison site like PriceGrabber (http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=637899/search=256%2520MB%2520SD/ut=d88b25ea7360b1d2).

I take it with a 256MB sd mem card I can save her music on her ppcpe. Do I need to save differently than just to /programs/whatever?

Besides what Brad said, if you can, don't use ActiveSync to copy music files to the SD card; use an SD card reader attached to your PC. It will be faster, plus you'll be able to do things like Scan Disk on the card if you need to.
