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04-06-2003, 11:19 PM
My Dell is running a little sluggish lately so I'm trying to bring it back up to speed. I've installed quite a few app's and figured that was causing part of my problem. I was going to move as many as possible to either my sd or cf card because I assumed that that would free things up. So here is what I did. I uninstalled Landmark Omnisolve and reinstalled it to the SD card. Then I went into the add/remove programs and it was still there.

I thought that the programs in the add/remove programs was stored in main memory and was slowing down the perfomance. I figured that by moving them to the sd card that this would free up the "main" memory and increase performance.

My question is am I wasting my time by transferring programs to sd and is there an simpler way than to remove (via add/remove programs) and reinstall to the sd?


04-07-2003, 01:23 AM
The add/Remove programs works just like the one in windows, it will show everything you have installed on your axim there.

I have everything i can install on my SD card installed there. I dont like how it just dumps everything into the root dir when installing to SD or CF though, so i then move them to where i want them, but for some programs i have had to search the registry and change the path to the program in there.


Sven Johannsen
04-07-2003, 02:05 AM
The remove programs list on the PPC does indeed list everything you have installed in a normal fashion, whether it is in Main Ram or a Flash card of some sort, or in a Safe Store or Built In Storage. It doesn't list things that are just executables that you drag directly into some folder and run from there of course.

A better way to go about organizing programs on a storage card is to use cabinstal (http://www.geocities.com/s_k_s_k_s_kru/util.html). it allows you to specify the folder you wish a program to be loaded into on a storage card. It takes a bit more effort as you need to extract the cab, move it to the PPC, and then launch it with cabinstal. Though it apparently works quite often that you can just move programs and folders around, potentially there are registry settings that need to be adjusted.

If you are looking at the Ad/Remove list in ActiveSync on the desktop, that lists everything you have ever installed (and not removed completely via add/remove). There can be items there not checked, which means the cabs are still on your PC waiting for you to want to re-install, but the program is not at this point on your PPC.

04-07-2003, 03:09 AM
A thought......if you are going to reinstall all of your apps to a storage card, why not do a hard reset and clean all the crap out then reinstall everything to the storage card? If you are going to remove and reinstall anyway why not clean out the whole system?


04-08-2003, 03:57 AM
A thought......if you are going to reinstall all of your apps to a storage card, why not do a hard reset and clean all the crap out then reinstall everything to the storage card? If you are going to remove and reinstall anyway why not clean out the whole system?


Hmmmmm........this was an unexpected suggestion. Had to think about it for a minute and while it is probably a good idea, I finally have my Today screen just as I want it and would probably have a little trouble getting back to where I am.

Thanx for the suggestion Dave.

04-08-2003, 01:19 PM
10-4 :)


Sven Johannsen
04-08-2003, 03:10 PM
A thought......if you are going to reinstall all of your apps to a storage card, why not do a hard reset and clean all the crap out then reinstall everything to the storage card? If you are going to remove and reinstall anyway why not clean out the whole system?


Hmmmmm........this was an unexpected suggestion. Had to think about it for a minute and while it is probably a good idea, I finally have my Today screen just as I want it and would probably have a little trouble getting back to where I am.

Thanx for the suggestion Dave.

Actually, it is only hard the first time. After a few hard resets it becomes second nature ;)