Janak Parekh
04-06-2003, 04:51 AM
Of all the news submissions we got today, a bunch of them were deals of various shapes and sizes -- so I'm summarizing them all here: <li> You can get a NEC MobilePro P300 <a href="http://www.pcconnection.com/scripts/productdetail.asp?product_id=265303">for $229.95</a> -- not a bad price for a 64MB unit with CF and SD, although it's reflective and the battery life isn't the greatest.<br /><li> HP is offering <a href="http://h30015.www3.hp.com/offers/offer_detail.php?id=246">50% off</a> on select iPaq accessories.<br /><li> You can get refurbished Axims at <a href="http://www.compgeeks.com">Computer Geeks</a> -- 300MHz <a href="http://www.compgeeks.com/details.asp?invtid=axim-300">for $148.50</a>, and 400MHz units for $199 (although they're out of stock on the latter).<br /><li> Along with the free TextMaker download, it seems some users are getting an extra discount over the next 24 hours. Check our <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=100123">previous TextMaker thread</a>.<br /><li> This is the scariest one of all: Ben's Bargain Center is <a href="http://www.bensbargains.net/ktalk/1049573843,73082,.shtml">reporting</a> that Dell.ca seems to be selling the 300MHz Axim <a href="http://configure.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=ca&cs=CADHS1&l=en&oc=OCAXIM5_DHS300">for $89 CDN</a>, and the 400MHz <a href="http://configure.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=ca&cs=CADHS1&l=en&oc=OCAXIM5_DHS400">for $118 CDN</a>! No guarantees if you'll get this deal... There, that should keep you occupied for a while. ;)