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View Full Version : Best Image Viewer?

04-04-2003, 06:04 PM
What do you guys recommend? I searched but it wasn't very helpful.

Sometimes I put my digital camera CF card into my PPC to look at the images on a bigger screen. I've tried IE and ACDsee but I don't like them at all. One option I want is to rotate the picture and have it full screen.

Don't Panic!
04-04-2003, 06:18 PM
PQV (http://www.bitbanksoftware.com/PQV.html) by bitbank software, Excellent program!

Don't Panic!

Steven Cedrone
04-04-2003, 06:29 PM
I use Applian PicturePerfect (http://www.applian.com/pocketpc/pictureperfect/index.php). I've always liked it...


04-04-2003, 06:56 PM
I use Resco. It's a pretty good app.

04-04-2003, 07:29 PM
I use Resco too. Not a bad app--it came with the Axim. Haven't tried anything else yet.

04-05-2003, 01:10 AM
If you want freeware...

PDAMill Viewer (http://www.pdamill.com/)
Dava Viewer (http://www.dicesoft.com/product/dava_intro.html)

PQV used to be free, but non-freeware. The developer finally decided to make people pay for his product, which is pretty wise considering how good it was (and is).

I personally have been using the PDAMill Viewer. It's quite rudimentary, but it gets the job done simply, easily, and without a fuss. I don't need anything more.

04-05-2003, 01:23 AM
I use Resco. It's a pretty good app.

I also use the Resco Picture Viewer. You may also want to take a look at IA Album (http://www.iastyle.com/iaalbum/index.asp) by IA Style.

04-05-2003, 09:59 AM
All the programs recommended so far are pretty good. But there's one thing about each one that really bugs me. Features I'd like..

Fullscreen in landscape mode with NOTHING on the screen in 'lefthanded mode' (bottom of PPC towards the right)
Somewhat fast loading
Thumbnail mode
Annotate mode

All the programs recommend are missing at least one of these. Transitions have nothing to do with functionality but they're nicer than an animated icon or 'loading' screen. The rest I definately wants. Anybody know of one that has all of the above?

04-05-2003, 10:26 AM
IA Album should have all the features you mentioned. So does Resco Picture Album. Some of the features are not well documented on the web pages for the product but after using both for some time, I can say that all the features you mentioned are there. Both programs are VERY FAST when loading pics. Resco has a feature (which you can disable) that will resize/reformat pics automatically to 320x240 (if they are larger) so that they load quickly and fill the screen. I believe that both programs offer trials...I recommend downloading and testing each personally to ensure that they meet your needs.

04-05-2003, 06:02 PM
IA Album should have all the features you mentioned. So does Resco Picture Album. Some of the features are not well documented on the web pages for the product but after using both for some time, I can say that all the features you mentioned are there. Both programs are VERY FAST when loading pics. Resco has a feature (which you can disable) that will resize/reformat pics automatically to 320x240 (if they are larger) so that they load quickly and fill the screen. I believe that both programs offer trials...I recommend downloading and testing each personally to ensure that they meet your needs.

I have been testing both of them. IA Album only does 'left handed mode' when in full screen mode. And using the direction pad zooms in and out or changes the pic. And the direction pad really SUCKS on the axim. So I always end up zooming when I want to change pics. When in slideshow mode it's automatically 'right handed mode' which doesn't make sense.

I can't even get Resco in left handed mode. I have it on auto landscape and it always goes right handed.

Steven Cedrone
04-05-2003, 06:11 PM
All the programs recommended so far are pretty good. But there's one thing about each one that really bugs me. Features I'd like..

Fullscreen in landscape mode with NOTHING on the screen in 'lefthanded mode' (bottom of PPC towards the right)
Somewhat fast loading
Thumbnail mode
Annotate mode

All the programs recommend are missing at least one of these. Transitions have nothing to do with functionality but they're nicer than an animated icon or 'loading' screen. The rest I definately wants. Anybody know of one that has all of the above?

PicturePerfect has all of these features...


04-07-2003, 04:18 PM
Anybody have any other recommendations?

Jeff Rutledge
04-07-2003, 04:34 PM
I use Resco. It's a pretty good app.

Same here. Does everything I need it to do.