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View Full Version : TauBetaPi Advanced Explorer - Free File Management Tool

Janak Parekh
04-02-2003, 01:13 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?productId=62596' target='_blank'>http://www.handango.com/PlatformPro...productId=62596</a><br /><br /></div><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/parekh/news/20030401-TBP-FileExplorer.gif" /><br /><br />This is a new file explorer with a couple of unique features, such as recycle bin and undo - and it's free. Has anyone tried it out?

04-02-2003, 01:38 AM
Wow, this looks great! 8O I tried out Resco Explorer and loved it, but didn't want to shell out $15-20 for an app that SHOULD have been built into the OS. This program offers a lot of the same features and interface of Resco Explorer without the more advanced features that I wouldn't use anyways. I hope we see more quality freeware like this. Way to go AlphaBeta! :D

04-02-2003, 02:05 AM
I installed it yesterday and I have only used it a few times, but so far it seems to work very well. I like the extra options.

04-02-2003, 02:37 AM
I installed it tonight. I shows up as the third item down in my initial drop
down llist for START MENU. It doesn't show up as a "Program". It seems
to work as advertised.

04-02-2003, 02:51 AM
Is it better than Total Commander?

Vincent M Ferrari
04-02-2003, 03:31 AM
Works well for me... I felt the same way about Resco: Not really needing an explorer-app so bad I could justify spending $15+ bucks, but this is a nice alternative.

Hugh Nano
04-02-2003, 04:23 AM
Is it better than Total Commander?

The question should be "Is it better than PocketExplorer and ftpView?" Wish more people knew about these two freeware file explorers. Between them, they supply pretty much all that one needs on the Pocket PC. PocketExplorer is to be found at http://www.citadeldevelopment.com/, while ftpView is at http://www.pocketpcsoft.net/php/freeresults.php?type=i. The only other thing I use is Dexplor, for its cheap integrated zip/unzip support. Check them out and happy exploring!

04-02-2003, 06:30 AM
Is it better than Total Commander?

The question should be "Is it better than PocketExplorer and ftpView?"
&lt;snip> The only other thing I use is Dexplor, for its cheap integrated zip/unzip support. Check them out and happy exploring!

Total Commander has Zip UnZip support, and it's free. It does have some limitations but give it a go.

I've given Advanced Explorer a try and it has a few interface pluses over Total Commander, and the file association manager is good too but for me the zip support in Total Commander means I'll keep that over AdvancedExplorer.

The only other feature I could find in AdvancedExplorer that isn't in Total Commander is the recycly bin.

04-02-2003, 08:11 AM
Why am I having problems installing this? When I download the .exe file to my PC, it knows it's an exe, but it has the icon of a folder. Double-clicking does nothing...

It won't run natively on my PPC either.

04-02-2003, 08:31 AM
Double clicking is the right way : the advexpr_setup.v1.0.exe file should run on your PC and launch installation

04-02-2003, 08:34 AM
Why am I having problems installing this? When I download the .exe file to my PC, it knows it's an exe, but it has the icon of a folder. Double-clicking does nothing...

It won't run natively on my PPC either.

You can think that the folder icon is the application default icon. After you double click the installer. The "application manager", with title "Add/Remove Programs", of pocket pc will be popup. If your machine is connected, it will transfer and install the program to your pocketpc. Otherwise, it will tell you that "On next mobile device connection, the installed applications will be downloaded to the device"

04-02-2003, 02:05 PM
Ok... so I installed the program, but it's not in the programs folder or start menu of my ppc. I figured I'm doing something wrong, so I run the install again. Apparently, it's already installed - but I choose to reinstall anyway. Still no sign of the program. There is a file in the Windows directory, but it's not associated with anything.

Anyone else sharing this issue with me, or is my iPaq developmentally challenged?

04-02-2003, 02:29 PM
I installed it on my new iPaq H1910 with no problems.. Runs nice, I like free software... :lol:

04-02-2003, 04:34 PM
...but for me the zip support in Total Commander means I'll keep that over AdvancedExplorer.

I thought you might be interested to know that the home page for this software (http://www.angelfire.com/realm3/alphabeta/) has a poll going to ask what feature should be added next. I placed my vote for ZIP support.

Speaking of the home page, I had to do a search on Google to find the page for the software because of Handango's horrible policy of not posting the homepage for their software. I don't understand why someone would list their software on a site that refuses to link to their homepage, but that's just me, I guess.


Janak Parekh
04-02-2003, 04:35 PM
Jon, I agree with your point about Handango masking homepages in general, but on this listing there's a "homepage" link near the bottom. :)


04-02-2003, 05:00 PM
Resco's FIle Explorer 2003 goes a pretty sizable step beyond this explorer. But so much of the interface looks identical or very nearly so to Resco's, I'd guess there's some coding plagarism going on here and perhaps grounds for some legal action. Anyone who's good at scanning hex code care to compare them internally? I stink at that, so maybe I oughta keep my mouth shut... but really, check the Options windows and the pop-up menu, even the icon placement on the lower toolbar. Echoes of Resco all over the place.
Anyway, this one seems fairly stable. The recycle bin would be nice if one were insecure about deleting things I suppose, but I always hated that feature on a PC... I didn't need it on my first computer, an E-125 Casio, so why would I need it on the PC I bought as an accessory for the PPC? Still, nice freeware explorer. FtpView (or the commercial version with more features, SuperExplorer (http://www.applian.com/pocketpc/SuperExplorer/index.php)) offer drag&drop both locally and to/from a server, which to me makes it indispensible. And Resco's Explorer now offers copy/cut/paste into and out of ZIP files just as though they were folders, something I like very well. Makes it easy and fast to store most of my less frequently used files in a highly compressed state, making lots more memory available.

04-02-2003, 05:03 PM
Dear phanprod,
It seems that you still have some problem in installation. Here is a method i suggested. First uninstall the the software. Then open the PC file explorer and delete all the thing related to Advanced Explorer under \program files. Then reinstall the latest version 1.1.1 again. There is a shortcut created in the start menu. Hope this help :wink:

04-02-2003, 05:15 PM
Dear Gerard,
Advanced Explorer is completely built from scratch. All the codes are typed in the keyboard by the programmer and compiled it by using the EVC 3.0 and MFC. That's why advanced explorer doesn't have encryption, zip file support, image viewer, registry editor, internal viewer since all these features required a lot of time to implement and test. :!:

04-02-2003, 05:24 PM
Okay, I'll bite my tongue then! I guess that'd make you the developer? Pretty clean work. Sorry if I stepped on toes, but you must see why I would question it, right? Having tested about a dozen different file explorers, I have never seen one so closely resemble another as yours does to Resco's. I suppose once you get into proper features they all begin to resemble eachother, and this will happen more often in explorers yet to come...
Thanks for explaining, and again, I apologise for offending you.

04-02-2003, 05:54 PM
The only other feature I could find in AdvancedExplorer that isn't in Total Commander is the recycly bin

I use Total Commander, too, and regretted that such a great app. didn't include a Recycle Bin. I got lucky and found a program called, Remover I got it browsing for something else.

I just went back and tried this URL http://s-k.al.ru Go to the bottom where it says, Remover. I hope it isn't in Russian. The page I downloaded from was in English.

04-02-2003, 06:41 PM
Remover is very different from a Recycle Bin : it is a program to clean your Pocket PC (uninstall programms, clean registry, shortcuts, etc...)
The program works like a charm now, and the author is very reactive (see his comments on our page : http://ppcf.mklabs.com/index.php?soft=688
AFAIK Advanced Explorer is the only freeware with "undelete" and "undo" functions.

Note : and yes, we always point to the author homepage ;) : http://ppcf.mklabs.com/index.php?soft=697

04-02-2003, 07:36 PM
iFile 1.1 by Richard Suchenwirth @ http://mini.net/tcl/8540

This is written in TclTk (about 700 lines of code) and runs just fine (I have been using it for over month) on the PocketPC using the TclTk 8.4a version from Rainer Keuchel @ http://www.rainer-keuchel.de/wince/tcltk-ce.html.

It uses a tabbed notebook interface with windows for
* directory tree view
* file listing
* file contents (simple editor) or picture viewer (gif only)
* file properties
* Tcl console
* iFile setup info screen

Currently it is at version 1.1 and is hosted on the TclWik. Also see the orginal version at http://mini.net/tcl/8442 for more information.

Tcl Installation instruction are posted at http://mini.net/tcl/2946 .

04-02-2003, 10:10 PM
I installed Advanced Explorer and have to say it's great. The only thing more I could wish for would be ZIP support. :wink:

One problem, I haven't deleted anything yet with it so I assume my Recylce Bin is empty. When I try clicking on the Recycle Bin, I always get an error that Advanced Explorer has performed an illegal operation and will shut-down. Anyone else have this problem?

Jonathon Watkins
04-02-2003, 11:32 PM
Looks good - I will give it a go later.

Steven Bunardi
10-14-2005, 10:26 AM
i was searching the net for some new italian pda and smartphone portal
when i discovered a PDA resource with good news and reviews for pocketpc's software and games .
i have tried their Resco Explorer 2005 (http://www.mobiletopsoft.com/getproduct.php?pname=Resco%20Explorer%202005%20for%20PocketPC%20v5.22) and its truly great.
you can take a look of them at mobiletopsoft.com (http://www.mobiletopsoft.com)