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View Full Version : Axim and Garmin Etrex connection

03-26-2003, 09:34 AM

Just ordered an Dell Axim, can't wait to get it :D

I own a Garmin Etrex GPS and was wondering how to connect this device to the Axim. I searched the internet and found out that you can't use the serial cable you can order at Dell.

Does somebody have the layout of the cable, so I can try and make my own cable? If so will you pleace share it with me

Thanks in advance.

03-26-2003, 11:32 AM
Look at www.haids.de they probably have them as a complete product !


Sven Johannsen
03-26-2003, 03:41 PM
Actually I didn't see one at that site, but http://www.pc-mobile.net/gps.htm does have an appropriate cable. You don't want to scrimp on this. The AXIM has an odd serial implementation where the bottom connector uses TTL levels, and it requires an external converter to interface with a real RS232 device, like a GPS. Dell's serial cable has a small box in-line that provides that conversion.

Normally you would need to buy the Dell cable, a null modem, and the eTrex data cable. Altogether, you will pay more than a dedicated cable, and you would wind up with sort of a kludge. You could get away a bit cheaper if you bought the Dell serial cable (from anyone that sells one) and a Garmin connector. Cutting off the DB9 from the Dell cable and getting the eTrex connector on it is touchy and not for the squimish. :)