View Full Version : BIG NEWS!!! HP iPaq h2200 gets FCC approval! [ie. it will have Bluetooth (on select models)!]
03-24-2003, 01:12 PM
as u can tell .. loox like HP has a WINNER!! .. BT enabled, SDIO, CF [type2?], and a transflective screen!
LARGE photo of the label with a part spec on a sticker: click here (
photo of UNIT:
rendering of handheld:
the tentative package:
the SPEC sheet [straight from the manual]:
Vincent M Ferrari
03-24-2003, 01:57 PM
03-24-2003, 02:10 PM
I was very hopeful for the H2200 but now I'm not so sure.
1. No CF slot
2. The same 900 mAh battery as the H1900
I can't seem to open the users manual I or III but users manual II mentions the Nevo remote software. That's a good sign at least. It appears that there is also a Bluetooth printer service but no mention of bluetooth headsets :evil:.
03-24-2003, 02:36 PM
I was very hopeful for the H2200 but now I'm not so sure.
1. No CF slot
it DOES have a CF slot :) [manual # 3, section 7: Expansion Cards] ...
in the specifications [and most of the manual], there is a typo [it says CD storage, should say CF storage] ... it is very obvious that the manual is still a 'work in progress' [go to page 1-8 in manual#1 .. apparently, 'Bill will give me the rest of this info' ;) .. hahaha]
it is hard to tell if it is type I or type II @ this time. however, i m guessing it is a Type II, but i m NOT 100% sure of that.
03-24-2003, 03:01 PM
*Sigh*.... if only they would put in a much larger capacity battery like the Axim.. :roll:
Crystal Eitle
03-24-2003, 04:57 PM
I want one!!!!
NOW!!!!! :microwave:
(any word on how much these are going to cost?)
03-24-2003, 05:13 PM
woo! I dont freaking care about the battery, it has a cf slot! sweet, I'm definitely getting this, but I can imagine it'll be over 400 usd.. :( I hope its affordable to nice lil high school students with crappy jobs :evil:
I don't think I can sell my current ones to get the money, either.. lol ok well time for me to stop whining. The h2200 looks so sleek and sexy, i assume it wont be expandable with past expansion packs tho? I haven't read all the details, but it loks like it won't work...
03-24-2003, 05:37 PM
Hmmmm.... With the timing of this FCC document I'd expect this to be out in a few months and be one of the first PocketPC 2003 models. The (draft) manuals clearly show Pocket PC 2002. Does this mean it won't be PPC 2003 or just that the software and manuals aren't finished? :?
03-24-2003, 06:19 PM
The h2200 looks so sleek and sexy, i assume it wont be expandable with past expansion packs tho? I haven't read all the details, but it loks like it won't work...
there is not enough info @ this point .. has a lil article on the h2200 also:
and looking @ this pic (, the GreatWallB runs on a PXA255 400 Mhz with the A0 core stepping with 64MB ROM & 64MB RAM
The h2200 looks so sleek and sexy, i assume it wont be expandable with past expansion packs tho? I haven't read all the details, but it loks like it won't work...
there is not enough info @ this point .. has a lil article on the h2200 also:
and looking @ this pic (, the GreatWallB runs on a PXA255 400 Mhz with the A0 core stepping with 64MB ROM & 64MB RAM
The manual says "Intel Cotulla" for processor. I wonder whether Cotulla is just another name for the PXA255?
03-25-2003, 12:25 AM
I had to go to work this morning and didn't have time to look through the info more thoroughly. The pictures clearly depict a CF slot too.
The h2200 looks so sleek and sexy, i assume it wont be expandable with past expansion packs tho? I haven't read all the details, but it loks like it won't work...
there is not enough info @ this point .. has a lil article on the h2200 also:
and looking @ this pic (, the GreatWallB runs on a PXA255 400 Mhz with the A0 core stepping with 64MB ROM & 64MB RAM
If you look at that picture, it appears that the speaker is on the back of the machine. In addition, there are a couple of holes in the upper portion of the back of the machine. I wonder what those are for. My suspicion is that HP might introduce a new expansion system, it may be for an extra battery, or it might be for a flip cover of some sort. Or at least I hope!
03-25-2003, 01:03 AM
I do hope the speaker isn't in the back, that might be annoying since the most comfortable way to hold it could be to put your hand over it and therefore block the sound!
03-25-2003, 01:40 AM
Hmm... does anybody else think that it resembles the Axim a lot?
Otherwise seems like a really nice device. And Jacob, I'm with you... is that the speaker on the back?
03-25-2003, 02:57 PM
Speaking of Axim, I'd think that Dell would dispatch the upgraded Axim's about the same time this one is ready to hit the market. Should be a Dell vs Ipaq release cycle again.
03-25-2003, 05:48 PM
It doesn't look as big as the Axim, but it seems to have taken the idea of the rubber sides from it.
Not as big as the Axim which is always good!
Don't think I'm gonna go for this one though...
03-28-2003, 03:25 PM
Does anyone know if PPC 2003 will support USB 2.0? If so, any idea if the HP 2200 will?
Andy Whiteford
03-28-2003, 04:09 PM
I think USB 1.1 would be a good start although that is an ActiveSync issue so no reason for current hardware to support USB 2.0.
Would be good for future devices though.
03-30-2003, 04:10 PM
This Kicks @$$!!! IS there ANY word on ANY kind of price. As long as it is <$500 I AM GAME!!! :jawdrop: :snipersmile:
03-30-2003, 11:12 PM
Yes, it's rumored to be under $400.
04-15-2003, 12:26 PM
I think USB 1.1 would be a good start although that is an ActiveSync issue so no reason for current hardware to support USB 2.0.
Would be good for future devices though.
I am connecting the cradle of my iPAQ h5450 to USB 2, it works! :|
Andy Whiteford
04-15-2003, 12:51 PM
I think USB 1.1 would be a good start although that is an ActiveSync issue so no reason for current hardware to support USB 2.0.
Would be good for future devices though.
I am connecting the cradle of my iPAQ h5450 to USB 2, it works! :|
USB 2.0 is backwards compatible with USB 1.1 so plugging your cradle into a 2.0 port will work fine, you just won't see any speed increase since Active Sync runs at serial speeds anyway. That's why copying large files to your Pocket PC seems to take for ever. You would be better served getting a USB 2.0 card reader and using this to copy files to a memory card.
04-15-2003, 07:26 PM
I am connecting the cradle of my iPAQ h5450 to USB 2, it works! :|But is it going at USB 2 speeds? If only... :cry:
04-15-2003, 09:35 PM
I am connecting the cradle of my iPAQ h5450 to USB 2, it works! :|But is it going at USB 2 speeds? If only... :cry:
Not at all. I'm pretty sure ActiveSync doesn't even come close to challenging USB 1.1.
04-16-2003, 10:51 AM
I am connecting the cradle of my iPAQ h5450 to USB 2, it works! :|But is it going at USB 2 speeds? If only... :cry:
Not at all. I'm pretty sure ActiveSync doesn't even come close to challenging USB 1.1.
Yes I compared both USB ports and there is no speed increase if connected to USB 2.
04-17-2003, 12:06 AM
Funny how we went from a new ppc model (the h2200) to USB 2.0 and such... lol a trifle humurous if i do say so myself...
04-17-2003, 03:36 AM
Of course ActiveSync won't be faster if you have USB 2.0on your computer. Your Pocket PC is still USB 1.1 and that acts as a bottle neck. But I remember reading recently that although we connect with USB cables we still get serial cable speeds because of the drivers. Is that true?
Yes, it is kind of funny that we got sidetracked to USB 2.0. Makes me wonder if this'll make to the Hall of Flame & Shame for going off topic :lol: j/k
Andy Whiteford
04-17-2003, 11:51 AM
Of course ActiveSync won't be faster if you have USB 2.0on your computer. Your Pocket PC is still USB 1.1 and that acts as a bottle neck. But I remember reading recently that although we connect with USB cables we still get serial cable speeds because of the drivers. Is that true?
ActiveSync was originally built for a serial connection. It has since been adapted to use a USB connection but only for connectivity, it is still running as a serial connection in terms of speed.
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