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View Full Version : Zelda for Axim? Where is it?

03-24-2003, 07:25 AM
So does anyone know where I can find the old school zelda to put onto my axim for cheap. I want to get some good games for it. :lol:

03-24-2003, 08:16 AM
You could get YAME and play the NES ROM.

03-24-2003, 11:08 AM
go to http://www.retrogames.com/ and scroll down looking at the left menu bar and look for Pocket NES. It's a great, flawless NES emulator. then just go to ********* or another ROM site, and stick em on your ppc, and open up Pocket NES. Super easy.

Post edited by moderator 3/24/03 10:06 am est.

03-24-2003, 09:05 PM
YAME and Pocket NES are both reasonable quality emulators, but I'm using Pocket Nester (http://jetech.org/) on my Axim after trying all three programs. Pocket Nester has superior framerates and a better UI than either of the other programs, and it's actually being supported on a semi-regular basis (Pocket NES hasn't been updated in at least a year, and I've heard YAME is dead as well).

I know that for compatibility reasons, some people prefer Pocket NES, so it's a personal decision which will work best for you, but you should at least give Pocket Nester a try, IMHO.

03-25-2003, 12:51 AM
so how do i install pocketnester on my axim and where do i find the games to find it

03-25-2003, 02:33 AM
Just run a search on Google for NES Roms.

03-25-2003, 07:20 PM
*URL Removed*

its still there so..go for it!


Post modified by Moderator 3/26/03 00:47 am est.

03-26-2003, 04:10 AM
I did this before and nobody complained to me about it.... :| At least not yet.

Anyway.... I am not going to post the site, *but* If anyone wants a rom site that is constantly up with Nes (913 roms) and more...

This website boasts the largest single collection of Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Colecovision, Nintendo NES and Commodore Vic-20 roms available on the web

PM me.... don't ask in this thread, PM only. And I will PM back the site.

Don't post the site.... here at least. :wink:
Read the rules of this site, and respect them.

I checked the site just now, it is still up. I don't know how the do it... but they are constantly up. It has to be the way they have the Roms disclaimer or something...

Last time I did this nobody complained for me doing this, I was just cutting down the long search time it takes to find the Rom your looking for.... and not getting stuck looking at all those damn pop-ups.... This site says they don't have pop-ups... I'll say this, they have very few.

If the admins want me to stop doing it this way, I have no problem with that. (just let me know) I'm just doing this instead of acctualy posting the link and getting in trouble. :)

I'll provide the link, (PM only) what you do with the link is up to you.

03-26-2003, 04:34 AM
I'd have to second the Pocket NESter program.

Another great little program I "found" thanks to this website!

10-10-2003, 12:26 AM
are there any new versions for a nes emulator

10-10-2003, 03:23 AM
New versions?

Beta 0.7 of Pocket Nester just came out on 9/25 I think, good to know it's still being worked on.